By now, if you've been reading along, it should be clear that all of these things, mind control, ufology, 9/11, wars on terror and so forth, somehow bear some relationship to one another, at least in my mind.
Here I will explain why I believe that to be true. Since we already know that the richest people in the world would have plenty of means and opportunities, we'll take a look at motive.
When I was in elementary school, my fifth grade teacher was talking about math and science, and announced that the world, at it's present rate of population increase, would one day have us either standing shoulder to shoulder or battling one another for resources. This I believe to have been the Nazi's biggest selling point, and the reason that they began to develop systematic means of genocide, euthanasia, and forced sterilization. It also seems to explain their want for global domination and gathering together of the most resources in anticipation of an upcoming struggle to survive on an over populated planet. It might also explain why they would be interested in space travel, in case this world just didn't work out. And they could sort of prove their point mathematically by demonstrating exponential population growth.
But what we now know is that humanity, given the means and education, would of it's own volition begin to limit it's own reproductive habits. But if this is so, why would the Nazis be against sex education and birth control? The answer is alarmingly simple. They don't want to lose their biggest selling point, they wish to continue to acquire mass wealth and power, partly because they have sought, even amongst themselves, degenerate practices for the purpose of controlling everyone, including themselves, and they exhibit a resulting psychopathological form of thinking in everything they do.
Now, if we follow the premise that overpopulation will lead to battling over resources, a sort of post apocalyptic world view, we then have to ask ourselves what sorts of alliances would be formed under such a scenario. There are really two main possibilities: People will ban together in the fight due to a sense of nationalism, or people will ban together because of the color of their skin. But most likely, in order to continue gathering as many resources as possible, it would be first one and then the other. That because the nationalist front would enjoy "useful idiots" of any race, and when that began to become burdensome, some new group is simply cast out of acceptance on some other grounds, political, religious or racial. And indeed we have the history of Nazi Germany with which to compare notes, how they would begin to round up various groups of people and either enslave them or execute them outright.
Not to worry overly much about Nazi math. The worlds population growth rate is beginning to stabilize, and with a little effort it would eventually begin to decline. This presents a problem for capitalists whose economy depends on continued growth, simply because it has always depended upon continued growth. Build fewer houses there is more unemployment, fewer sales of construction materials, a glut in housing brought about by lessening demand would effect property rates, so forth and so on. And in the world's capitalist sphere, everything is about success, not about sustainable development. Simply put, such a bottom line philosophy that capitalism suggests is unsustainable over the long haul.
It isn't difficult to see why capitalists, if they had some clue about future unsustainability, would already be planning some other system that would leave them still to be the richest and most powerful persons on the planet. While democracy is meant to regulate such commerce, it most often fails to do so, just as fascism, communism, or socialism have their exploitable flaws.
All of this Nazism tends to explain a good many things. Why, for example, they have little desire to save people from starving to death, or from dieing from curable diseases. Or why 85% of the world's resources belong to 15% of the world's population. Or why politics continue to be placed above education, education might result in both identifying the world's major problems and finding tolerable, ethical solutions which once again would undermine the Nazi's biggest selling point which appeals to human fears more than anything else. Therefore, all competing memes to that of Nazism end up being disparaged politically, financially, and institutionally.
To be clear, not all participants in the global conspiracy would be Nazis, many of them remain at some level of only partial awareness that is in keeping with Nazi goals. They play, of course, on the wealthiest's fear of losing their fortunes, their cultures, or their racial identities, while at the same time undermining any form of reasoning that would pose solutions with which they could live without the need to resort, in the end, to Nazism.
In keeping with the general theme of my analysis, the propagandists, disinformation types, generate tons of conspiracy rumors among the populace so as to prevent the actual conspiracy from being revealed.
There is an old tale about a man who caught a leprechaun who then owed the man his pot of gold. But because it was getting dark, he made the leprechaun tie a handkerchief to the tree under which the gold was buried by which to mark it and promise not to remove it, which the leprechaun did. But upon returning the following morning he had found that the leprechaun had tied handkerchiefs to all of the trees in the forest, and was nowhere to be found. This story seems to be exactly where we are today with regards to so many mysteries it would be difficult to remember them all.
In my mind, so long as one is willing to strip away all the rhetoric and look at the underlying truths, one should be able to arrive at (at least) one common sense thought....the one I operate on is that the government (possibly ALL of them) operate by keeping the poor, middle, and upper classes all where they belong...they care nothing for human life, and are very willing to exterminate as many as is necessary to get the rest of the population to fall in line with whatever version of reality they are touting at the moment. If religion is the opiate of the masses, politics is most certainly the anesthesia.
Thank you for writing in, Fortwynt. Very good observations. Sometimes I wonder if the middle class is suffering now as part of a long term plan to make resistance to a takeover more difficult. And looking at the vast resources and influence of the government propaganda machine that we know about, if that isn't just the tip of a very large covert iceberg with any number of propaganda projects, bent on dictating public opinion on a whole range of issues.
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