Friday, July 18, 2008

MKULTRA: The Ritual Abuse Conspiracy

  Meet the Devil Himself

A few years after I had made my way out of the MKULTRA mind control program that was run by NASA and the CIA I happened upon a book about Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) and the subject of ritual abuse. Having some experience in the field of psychology, and much later some experience with the alter personality systems that the mind control program endeavored to create within me, I hoped to acquire some greater insights into both. After all, a lot of what they were doing was psychosexual in nature, and towards the end, when they said that I had been "transferred" to the CIA in the middle of 1987, every "communication" that took place was disguised as a very personal (much too personal) message about sex. From the beginning I was picking up clues that whoever it was that had designed the mind control program had to be a very mentally disturbed individual. Later it seemed a sure thing that whoever was running it at the time was also a psychosexual psychopath. The encoded part of messages that I received were generally about nothing, messages that just told me that they knew everything about my life. The rest of it seemed to have been there just to make me feel bad, to wear me down until, I supposed, one day I was to take my own life.

In 1992 I happened upon a book that actually dealt with the topic of MPD, which made it something of a rarity. But the authors, while presenting some science pertaining to the condition, were also fairly religious and wandered deeply into the area of conspiracies concerning ritualized sexual abuse. There was a fair amount of anecdotal evidence and conspiracy theory, but their knowledge of mind control techniques employed by various cults was very insightful, especially with regard to the Moonies, techniques the likes of which I had experienced while in the NASA part of the mind control program. Sleep deprivation, isolation, and nonsensical - to - outsider linguistics and nomenclature, all meant to short circuit critical thinking and replace it with more emotional, (read irrational) reactions.  Most theologians, by the way, define simple indoctrination as voluntary mental conditioning, and mind control as employing coercion and or deceptive tactics. Oddly, many fundamentalist churches employ at least some of the methods denounced in this book written by Christian investigators into ritual abuse and mind control.
Until that point I had never heard much about ritualized sex abuse, and a careful reading of the book told me that they were making some serious leaps, mostly religious, and that while they hadn't uncovered the hard evidence necessary to make the most compelling case in terms of actual devil worshippers, they started me wondering about organized pedophilia, and if such a group or groups might not employ the trappings of Satanism or "Devil Worship" in order to intimidate their victims and possibly other participants without any actual belief in an actual supernatural being. That seemed all too likely, but unfortunately there was very little hard evidence of any such organized pedophilia taking place. Indeed, the FBI had said that they had tried for years and never came up with more than a few occult objects residing in the homes of some of the parents of the victims. The authors of the book had laid out a fairly compelling case that organized pedophilia did exist, and that cover ups were taking place within police departments and sometimes as far up as city officials, but that no one could ever get any action on their suspicions. This meant either that they were wrong in suspecting what they did, or that the conspiracy went, perhaps, at least to the top levels of the FBI.
But neither of those possibilities sounded quite right either. Not a first, anyway. Later on, as I began to string together what initially seemed like unrelated information a different picture began to develop, one that went much further than the authors of the book. But it was pretty simple. It went like this:
When the local cops are onto something big the FBI takes over the case and the cops have to stand down until they're called for backup. Most likely that had happened in some of the scenarios outlined in the book. But it was also possible, given what I know about the CIA, that the FBI could be taken off of a case if the Central Intelligence Agency cited national security concerns. The CIA would simply tell the Feds, "We'll take it from here, we'll call you if we need you" after which the entire case would "go dark". If that were true, the conspiracy that the authors thought that they were seeing was not precisely so, since the final authority went all the way to the executive branch and the law enforcement personnel would simply have to remain silent about any of the details in what had become, officially at least, a CIA investigation. Something about that really bothered me a great deal but I couldn't say what it was at the time. Part of the reason that I had taken a renewed interest in the subject was that I was searching for something that I had lost in 1987, some part of my memory. Some things I remembered, some things I couldn't. Or wouldn't. I don't know if reading the book had anything to do with it or not, but a year later, in the summer of 1993, I went through a, well, life threatening process of remembering the catastrophe which had become my life. With each excruciatingly painful detail I became morbidly depressed and would have to work my way out of that before I was ready for more. It was then that I realized that without my knowing, this was precisely what my programing was meant to do, to induce me to destroy myself if ever I began to recall everything. And it wasn't until I had worked my way through all of that severe emotional trauma until I remembered how and why I had volunteered myself for mind control experimentation. It took me about three weeks to regain most of my memory, the rest trickled in eventually, but by then I had covered the worst of it. The effect, however, left me emotionally ill for the next six weeks or so, after which I decided that I would have to forget again just in order to function. One can understand from this the value of mind controlling victims of ritual abuse and other potential witnesses.
It wasn't until 2004 that by necessity I went though the painful process of "awakening" once more and began to research the subject once more and to string together the bits and pieces of information that I'd been working on in to a compelling theory.
Stories of child sacrifice can be found in various cultures and are at least as ancient as the Old Testament of the Bible. Given the nature of the times it's not unimaginable that sexual abuse was also occurring but that part of the story would have been muted or left out entirely rather than to give anyone any ideas about exploiting children in such ways, though we know that it did happen in places like ancient Rome. It strikes me as likely that there were cults that essentially worshipped sex and that all of this became not a little bit incestuous, giving rise to generational sexual abuse within the families of such cult members, and apparently some of those are homicidal. Most likely, the need for secrecy becoming so dire as to be a matter of life and death would begin to create profound sociopathic world views within the secret societies which began to develop around these cults. Because we are speaking now of quasi religious activity that has been around for so long it's not really accurate to refer to it as a cult, rather it would be a secret religion or non-religious institution which essentially worships man as king of beasts, and, one supposes, the beastly as king of men. Might makes right as far as psychopaths and rapists are concerned.
Venturing a guess from a psychologically analytical point of view, I think the chances are very good that Nazism itself was brought about by one of these families with a background of generational abuse. There are any number of reasons to think so. The philosophy that might makes right, their wonton aggression, their propensity for lying, demonizing people of conscience, and their sort of Rovian propaganda wherein it couldn't possibly be true of somone who has already accused their enemies of the same crime, as in "The Jews eat babies" and the round up of persons merely alleged to be degenerates. And it certainly isn't difficult to see why those with the biggest secrets to keep could go off on a really fascist bent. Basically their approach to society would be just as sick and twisted as their secret familial relations. It's what they know. And, well, if the theory holds true that such families may be entirely void of conscience and used to things like baby killing, it would explain the Nazis "Final Solution" and perhaps all of their other monstrous activities. In their families fear would simply have been the best method of maintaining control and keeping their potentially lethal secrets. In essence we could absolutely expect them to be extreme control freaks. And like sexual predators often do, they secretly wish that their lifestyles seemed as normal to everyone else as to themselves, will feel that they are special but misunderstood, and given enough power will begin to lose their inhibitions and become brazen, even if they simultaneously feel a dire need to maintain their secrets. Reason itself, as far as they're concerned, has little value.   
Now imagine that it becomes a wartime scenario, that no effort would be spared so as to win, and that there are absolutely no ethical constraints in their investigations or human experimentations which might yield some secret weapon or secret knowledge. Mixed with what is already a perverse satisfaction in cruelty and murder they begin to extract whatever they can from their victims in the death camps. And here is where what had formerly been a dark occult art within perverse secret societies takes on a new scientific dimension resulting in a greater perfection of mind control. Well, it would have been likely that these sociopaths would have taken a keen interest in mesemerization (hypnotism) and psychology as soon as they'd heard about them, but here was the perfect opportunity to see what they could really do with things like torture induced trauma. It exceeded the trauma based mind control induced by rape.
At the end of WWII America brought these Nazi "scientists" aboard with Operation Paperclip and after a successful run of experiments decided that MKULTRA is worth pursuing, would have to be run inside of a new intelligence agency called the CIA which then gains the support of secret sexual abuse societies in America and the world, most notably the industrialists, and by nefarious means the CIA rises to the top of the intelligence food chain and becomes whatever it is today.
The CIA itself is essentially comprised of two divisions, the Analyst Division, which gathers and interprets information from the world scene, and the Operative Division which decides what actions if any will be taken. So the Analyst Division simply feeds the information to Operations, but seldom if ever is "in the loop" to anywhere near the same extent, and this allows the CIA to maintain an illusion of plausible deniability because they will have the analysts represent them, the persons who really know the least about what the CIA is actually doing in the field. Apparently Plame's being outed as political retaliation because of discoveries made by her husband is simply a cover story because there is a much more important story which seldom gets told, possibly because it's now classified. Plame, a CIA analyst, discovered that CIA Operative Division was attempting to plant WMD's in Iraq before the war. I suspect that, unknown to the analysts at the CIA, one of their primary jobs is to let Operations know when they're being too obvious. If it gets past the CIA's own analysts it would most likely get by anyone and everyone. But the CIA gambit didn't get by Plame. And her husband, Wilson, then found them trying to manufacture evidence of WMD's when they were forced to give up actually planting them.
Well, here it seems I wandered a bit again, but this information about CIA methodology is useful as we begin to complete the circle. We've traced, theoretically anyway, child ritual abuse all the way from individual anecdotes all the way to the CIA. Sex and manipulating persons are mainstays of psy ops and mind control. Sex is useful because it really gets people. "Have any naked pictures of your wife? Want to buy some?" The blackmail aspect of this is very important, because if it's left unchecked they'll be able to change entire societies with their talent of gaining secret information. You know, illegal and very nasty surveillance, CIA voyerism.
So here's the way we might suppose that it works pertaining to the reports of people investigating or informing with regard to ritual abuse:
A sex abuse victim informs a parent and the police are called in. But suddenly everything is complicated by the fact that some persons really don't want the case followed up. This suggests a conspiracy, a felony which is beyond the resources of the average PD and so the FBI is informed about this possible crime against children. The FBI shows up but is called off by the CIA. The CIA then investigates with illegal surveillance, gets enough information to blackmail the perpetrator, and voila! Now the perp works for the CIA. Since life can be very hard for pedophiles in prison, the CIA owns them and pretty much get them to do whatever they want, including subjecting themselves to mind control. And since pedophiles would be just the "right" sort of person for dirty deeds, including murdering or kidnapping children, arson, any number of crimes, they're a sought after asset. The same may indeed be true of persons caught receiving child pornography in the mail. And if they become top notch CIA operatives they can be employed in America's child skin trade, possibly even bringing child sex right into the White House as was apparently the case in the Franklin scandal.
Now, what about the religious angle in all of this, one might be wondering. Well, it's no less bizarre than any of the rest of these things. Apparently it was never a spiritual being called Satan that compelled them, but rather it was always degenerative sex and coercion. Since they're basically nihilists who don't believe in spiritual beings or an afterlife, they see life as a purely animalistic affair, survival of the fittest. The Satanist trappings are more anti church mind control than anything else, helping to ensure that neither participants nor victims will ever get religion and confess everybody's sins to man. Children especially tend towards being imaginative, and since they see religion as so much superstition they simply provide them with a more powerful superstition, one in which Satan is all powerful and Jesus will get them gang raped in the basement of a church while people sing "Jesus loves you" and claiming that Jesus made them do it.
Like most children eventually put tales of the Easter Bunny or Santa behind them, eventually the children come to know that Satan isn't some sort of mythical fairy with horns and sharp teeth, but rather is a real live human being. One that will kill anybody, everybody, if and when he wants to do so, and that nobody can do anything about it. If you ever got mad at your group the police won't help you, the FBI won't help you, not even the CIA will help you. Satan essentially owns everyone and everything, decides who lives and who dies and this is why he is also known to them as "God".
It is, perhaps, still a little ironic, however, that for the reasons outlined above, the ritual abuse, these persons retain a deep fear of Jesus.

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