Saturday, June 9, 2007

Chemtrails Over Yreka

Chemtrails Over Yreka
I live in a very small city far away from airports or air traffic in general. The people that I've spoken to here never noticed much aircraft flying overhead in all the years that they lived here before me. Neither did I when I first moved here, and being from Southern California I though that the lack of air traffic was charming, especially in a historically minded town such as this one. It wasn't until I began to post my story on, where people go to talk about all sorts of unusual things, that I began to see chemtrails. That was two years ago.
Ever since then they've been almost a daily occurrence here. No, they're not contrails or anything else, these planes are laying down some sort of substance which I've noticed often has a faint aspirin smell to it. Today, for example, began with a beautiful blue sky, which is now overcast because of these chemtrails. After the trails spread out, the substance lingers in the air for quite awhile, the more of them the longer that they'll be visible, sometimes for hours. And on days when they've laid down a lot of them, whatever the substance is becomes a haze over the entire city.
It's not just myself, but a number of people posting to are seeing chemtrails. And quite often, noticing a druggy effect. Today the druggy effect is very powerful, and I suppose is meant to stop me from writing further in this journal. But it didn't. 
Anyway, because I suddenly feel very tired and slow, as if I'd been hit with some sort of neurotoxin, I'm going to rest, and think about what my next entry shall be.
Once you see or experience these things, there is absolutely no way you would mistake them for contrails. None. It's funny, that one would get so used to Nazi aircraft spraying unidentified substance overhead. But I'm an American, and free is what I'll be until my dieing day. Free to speak, free to write, and free to think as I will.  
This isn't good. I've never felt the effects this powerfully before. I'm even dizzy from the effect and feeling a sort of paralysis, I'm typing very slowly. The sky isn't just overcast white, it's close to being grey. They're escalating this war,so will we. But first, a nap, and if I don't wake up from it, you'll know why.
Just one more thought. Now I'msure about the differences between the effcts of the chemtrails and the psyonic weapons. This was a double dose of neurotoxins today.

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