Sunday, August 26, 2007

Bush Bombards Yreka

Chemtrails in Retaliation for Whistle Blowing?
  Yreka, CA
While the chemtrails have been far less frequent in Yreka as of late, they often do appear shortly after editorial pieces strongly criticizing the Bush administration as they did today.
While I have no direct proof, I suspect that the chemtrails used here mostly contain a neurotoxin, a drug that is supposed to make people more suggestible. It wouldn't make sense, perhaps, that they would target a great many individuals this way, but it would make sense that they would target the public in such a manner in order to make the people more prone to media propaganda or SOLO mind control weapons, and that they could target individuals this way if they so choose.
From reports about chemtrails elsewhere around the world which have left different, and sometimes disastrous effects, as well as materials used for forensic analysis, it would seem that governments are experimenting with a number of substances sprayed upon the unsuspecting public both here and overseas
There wasn't a single cloud in the sky prior to the arrival of the unmarked aircraft. A few hours later the sky was about 75% overcast.
See the links provided in the section of this blog entitled Favorite Sites for more information on chemtrails.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

When Worlds Collide

The Age old Question:
What Would Evil Incarnate Look Like?
Analyzing the world of conspiracy theories available online has told me one thing of near certainty. Half of them are conjured up by conspirators themselves. The other thing it's taught me is that half of the remaining conspiracy theorists lack objectivity and patience. They often commit to ideas without a shred of proof for no other reason than it made sense to them, but only due to some unknown, some suspicion based upon some deep rooted bias. Especially the religious sorts, who are easily derailed by the actual conspirators who play precisely upon their prejudices, knowing that a tidbit here will make them recoil, and that they will salivate at some other morsel since it will lend credence to some pet religious notion or another.
Having said all of that and announced that my own analytical theories should be thus scrutinized by the reader for any personal bias, I'd like to offer my view of what is happening in Washington, right now, today.
Apparently on occasion the conspirators within the shadow government screw up so badly that the public demands a reckoning. This somewhat emboldens the ordinarily intimidated democratic leadership who as often as not find themselves between a rock and a hard place when it comes to such conflicts between the shadow government (think anthrax attacks) and public outrage but are forced by popular demand towards a return to the rule of law. Since no one can defend a long line of patently absurd and self serving positions forever, more and more public servants simply become pressed into the service of honesty due to public outcry.
In my own lifetime I saw this happen with Watergate which was just the tip of an iceberg. But the shadow government was by then so powerful as to strike terror into the most reasoned and well informed minds. Backroom deals were made, scapegoats elected, and the vast, vast majority of criminals walked away after a treaty was made which would not bring the country -and the world- to the brink of thermonuclear war or launch a germicidal holocaust. As long as the criminals had a get out of jail free card they were willing to back down because they found themselves in a situation that was tantamount to mutually assured destruction. Essentially, the story seems to be that the biggest bullies are always the biggest cowards, and death frightens them enormously. But they would as soon take everyone on the planet with them as to face the gallows alone among themselves. You can only hang a person once, as the saying goes, and so criminal acts continue to beget criminal acts for fear of being punished for the originals.
Of course the problem is the same one that we would have in allowing any murderers to walk free on a promise of good behavior. We know that we are simply placing the danger towards some other place and time, that the danger will not go away on the promise of a liar and a murderer. In this instance, we should know that not only will they kill again, they will endeavor to kill justice itself because it is most likely to be the death of them sooner or later, and that their luck in striking backroom deals can't hold out forever. But anyone coming into the top levels of governmental affairs should be appraised of the real dangers involved in caring too much. And so they are.
This is apparently the purpose of the ceremony at Bohemian Grove where after holding the mock funeral of a child, the ceremony known as The Death of Caring. Newcomers are to be impressed with the terrifying seriousness of caring too much. If you care for those kidnapped children being imprisoned, raped and tortured by MKULTRA, say, perhaps you will care all the more when this nation is taken to yet another war based upon a series of lies and far more innocent children are left dead or suffering. If you care for those afflicted by the disease of poverty, perhaps you will care more if there is introduced some other disease which may make it's way into your own gated communities. Perhaps it's best, then, the conspirators want us to know, not to ask too many questions of, nor press too hard upon the "intelligence community". And in at the staged events at Bohemian Grove, newcomers are taught just how helpless they really are if they should ever wish to side with the defenseless children, the defenseless poor, or the defenseless liberal government. "What's in YOUR drink?" Spoken quite rhetorically, and with a smirk.
What the Ritual Abuse investigators often miss is that it's not actual devil worship that causes these nihilists to sacrifice babies in churches, it's sharing in the spilling of the most innocent human blood imaginable. The death of caring to eventually be followed by the death of conscience. And this requires such a commitment so that the masters of MKULTRA will have few worries that any of their inner circle will ever be moved to caring or to conscience by something like religion, since their disciples have purposefully chosen acts which by all rights are the ultimate insult to God himself, as well as to all God fearing people. What religionists seem to miss is that there are perfectly rational reasons for participating in the "demonic" within the world of mind control which, reasons which don't require a belief in a literal Devil. It's simply more tantalizing to think that they do because in the minds of some religionists, proof of devil worship would equate with proof of God's existence. 
It hardly matters if such "demonic" persons ever find a Christ with whom to contend, as should they ever find one they would contend for all that they're worth, just as they will contend with any and all persons of conscience, perhaps especially those held in the western world to hold conscience to be sacred, persons who call themselves servants of Christ.  And while such servants may be noble and brave, often they are also quite gullible. Throw them a bone or a steak and the watchdog of the ages is too busy reveling in the treat to even notice that the house is being robbed. All one need do is appeal to their vanity. "Vanity, vanity, all is vanity", Solomon is accredited with having said. And another one; "There is nothing new under the sun."
Consider this, that although the church holds a doctrine that their antichrist must have magical powers, that for all intents and purposes the technological capabilities of the shadow government of today would suffice for same, and would at the time of the ancient Biblical authors eluded any other description than magical, since "technology" itself was not then even a word. Neither, for that matter, was "science". All the same, there are still wars, rumors of wars, famines and plagues, all caused by persons without conscience.
Far be it from me to impose such ideas of western religion upon everything, least of all an analysis of dark governmental conspiracies where hard proof is most precious, and fanciful ideas all too fraught with problems. My primary point here being that any notion, any notion at all, may simply be hijacked by the conspirators, including any or all religious ones. If none are available for the taking, they simply invent them out of whole cloth and then announce them as if large numbers of persons actually believed such things. Tell the lie often enough and widely enough and people will assume it to be true. That's particularly true of Americans who have simply come to rely upon freedom of speech and a free press to inform them of lies, not realizing that all of their Constitutional institutions are continually under attack from the fascist shadow government for the very same reason. If the shadow government can confuse people to inaction they will, and they will expend enormous time and resources on just that, even if it requires a generation or so. It's called "vegetable farming".
All of this is why we are where we are now. America can no longer afford to make deals with terrorists, even if they are marginally their own terrorists. As the shadow government began to lose control in the 1990's due to the advent of the information age and as revelations in everything from science to government began going wildly public, as a matter of survival they had to make heir move to murder information sharing along with their long anticipated murder of justice itself. Their future was looking very bleak. Doom was a near certainty if they didn't regain control of everything. And they very nearly succeeded except that one really can't fool all of the people all of the time, and eventually, those who try end up, in the end, fooling no one.  
What we have today is simply that there are no more backroom deals to be made. The psychopathology of MKULTRA and the leadership of it's shadow government everywhere has brought the world to the brink of destruction, environmental collapse. And if the traitors and spies aren't dealt with this time there will be no room for second chances. These conspirators know that they will hang for what they've done, that they will become the most hated people the world has ever known. And they would just as soon take everyone down with them than to face death alone. At least, that's the story, although the reality may be somewhat different than that, if they are ever forced to face the realities. They eventually have to consider their shadow war to be lost, and that members of their families will have to survive the reputations gained by these war criminals. The questions of the future may entail such quandaries as whether or not families of traitors and spies are still owed secret service protection even when their positions of authority were acquired illegally.  So there are at least a few reasons left for even some of the top conspirators to turn state's evidence. If, of course, reality ever really dawns on them.
Timidity is a poor defender of nations. It's remarkable that the liberals of today avoid any connection to conspiracy theories, denouncing the brave and the noble who attempt to warn everyone of plots hatched against the public at large, distancing themselves from any possible questions that might play into the hands of their conservative foes and the conspirators own propagandists for having dared to expose the truth, as if there were no Franklin scandal? Really. As if the official story about 9/11 doesn't stink to high heaven? Listen, everyone. Just because many of these stories are difficult to believe, doesn't make them any less true. And the truth, after all, is the most important thing. Unless one is a conspirator, or simply one of a variety of lying politicians who are enabling them for reasons of their very own. Perhaps some of you liberals could use the same sort of courage it takes to be a conspiracy theorist. After all, conspiracy theories evolve due to conspiracy facts, not the other way around. The liberals seem to simply have become like abused puppies who shiver every time the massive conservative propagandist apparatus says boo. It's Ok to question 9/11. It's alright to talk about the Franklin scandal. It's a free country, after all. Isn't it?
(By the way, those of you who have been following my personal story should note that since I wrote the first draft of this story I've been bombarded with electronic harassment, bent on preventing me from posting same. Believe it or not, it's up to you.)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Mindstorm Chronicles: Chapter Twelve

The Mindstorm
Chapter Twelve
A work of fiction? A work of non fiction? The work of insanity?
You decide.
The Post traumatic stress doesn't often allow you to not think. Especially with so much going on all of the time. Around and around the thoughts go until finally I drift off to sleep, or get up to find something to distract my weary mind. It was always difficult, not just because of the sorts of worries produced by stress, but because the thoughts could be so intriguing and compelling, even if they were bizarre to say the least.
Having alter personalities seemed to make it especially so. I say seemed because it had been so long that I couldn't remember what it was like to be one person. Sometimes just one person thinks too much, but MPD/DID may have a whole tribe of people thinking too much in what merely looks like one head. And then there is that I would expend no small amount of energy analyzing all of those thoughts, and trying to hold multiple possibilities about them all at the same time. Thinking itself could become like an exercise in heavy lifting. Especially when it came to the deeply personal and emotional thoughts one was often forced to wade through. In my world, anything could be too much to think about, my mind was always so busy. Maybe that's why Einstein kept forgetting where he lived. There were always more important things to think about. Just that not everybody bothers to think about them. Not seriously, anyway.
Sometimes it doesn't matter how real or unreal thoughts actually are in order to get you really thinking. For me it was always seeming as though anything were possible, at least until proven otherwise. That's the only way to face a vast unknown. Especially when you can't afford to allow yourself to be fooled by anything, least of all your own thoughts and emotions. Anything was possible, no matter how improbable. And only a very precious few things were ever certain. When you're uncertain about so many things it helps to remember who you are at all times, your truest self. Thus philosophy had become my greatest love. "What is the good life?" was always the most relevant question to anyone's existence. It's what defines you as a person, defines your character. I'd narrowed it down to three interacting principles through which I examined every effort to subvert my mind. Through which I examined all minds and everything that they produced. Love, righteousness, and mercy. They played upon each other in principle as if they were persons. God is love, which is why there is Righteousness and Mercy. And righteousness and mercy, like two brothers, love one another.  
Sometimes I think about my lion alter. It's a phenomena which apparently occurs naturally somehow in MPD/DID mind control victims, much like the angel Michael alter. There simply wouldn't be any reasons for the Nazis to program someone that way. All I can say about that is that it sure seems to be naturally occurring, and sure seems real enough. But explaining any of this stuff which became wildly metaphysical, even spiritual, was something that would be a challenge to anyone. Who would listen anyway? It all sounds too crazy. Even speaking to religionists about such ideas only ever led to arguments concerning their "yes, but" theologies. The word "but" in such instances began to strike me as merely a dishonest replacement for a punctuation mark, a period. So in my own mind I simply heard "Yes."
The lion alter was a sort of background feeling I had for the longest time that would sometimes produce insights into lions, or make me come up with wild tales about them in that Aesop's metaphorical lessons for slaves kind of way. Eventually though, as they tortured me every night and day I fragmented all the more, but sometimes in the most interesting ways. And at least the highly unusual thoughts helped to keep the torturers interested enough to let it go on without interrupting the stream of thought with more torture.  And that was reason enough to pursue even the strangest line of thinking, which normally one would have dismissed almost as soon as it began.
In some of these seeming flashbacks the angel Michael had decided to live as one of God's other creatures, something he hadn't done since they were created. He chose to be born as a lion. He gave himself a little extra advantage since he wasn't sure just how it would effect him. He was born a very large lion. And the other angels, as always, would learn from Michael's experience, and make sure that Michael didn't forget himself entirely, but would be sure to remember who and what he was, so that he would be sure to find his way home again.
Those kind of memories were never complete all at once, but began to come in flashbacks, and sometimes there were enough of them to eventually put together a more complete picture. I say memories because they are entirely first person experiences as though they were actual memories from the day before. But since it gets confusing I usually refer to my alters such as the lion as if they were someone else. Though you only experience the "otherness" of it after the fact.
There was a large tree that stood apart from the rest of the brush in a large clearing.  He was bothered that the monkeys would come over to the tree where the pride rested in the shade during the heat of the day, and so he would chase the monkeys back into their own trees whenever they became too brazen. "Stupid monkeys", he thought, "why would they continue to risk their lives this way?" There were always answers to such questions, "They like the fruit from the tree."  Well, he did see them eat the fruit. It didn't smell like it was worth eating and like it might make you sick, but perhaps that's just what monkeys ate. True enough, the monkeys didn't present any real danger, although they had sharp teeth and it wasn't worth risking an infection to actually catch one since there was so little meat to them anyway. Which is why he tolerated them sometimes rather than expend the energy in the heat of the day to chase them.
During these sessions, which usually occurred during times of psychological torture, you could feel what it was like to be a lion. Not only to have teeth and claws, and immense strength and agility, but also a sense of real authority that came from knowing one's place in things. While some few humans might want to trade places with lions, no lion would ever be anything other than a lion. If I only had one word to describe their consciousness, their being, the word would be "clarity".
Lions are hugely telepathic, at least they are with other lions. When the drought came, hunting had become so scarce there was nothing left to do but to hunt a remaining lone rogue elephant or to starve to death. The pride had never hunted an elephant before, in fact it may have been the first time ever that lions hunted elephants, but it would leave an impression on the telepathic, instinctual memory of the species. It was just Michael's nature. He had always been a strategist and a tactician. Absolutely necessary for facing an opponent as large as an elephant, even if you are about a third larger than any African lion the world had ever seen. Michael also loves a challenge, but he could never really seem to find one unless he first found some way to handicap himself. It's how he learned, how he evolved, how he loved, just like everyone else. There were two things that Michael was always proving to himself. He was no despot, and he was no panty waist.
Following their lead lion, the pride spread out into an on line formation behind the elephant and began to stalk their prey. The enormous lion began, from behind, to challenge the elephant causing him to turn and threaten to defend himself to the end. Meanwhile, some of the more experienced lionesses and young males
moved up on the flanks until the elephant was surrounded. Encouraged by the display of their leader personally challenging such a huge animal, the most experienced of the female hunters played her own leadership role on command and began to attack from behind, the real target being the elephant's hind legs. Soon the elephant was spinning in first one direction and then the next, only to be attacked from behind in every instance. First, by the experienced ones, and then as the enormous prey weakened the younger lions joined in the attack. The hunt had begun during the night, but had lasted well into the day. By the time the huge animal had lost it's legs and become fairly defenseless, and then finally laid it's massive head down for the last time, the entire pride was exhausted.  What lions had always known humanity would one day discover. That size and brute strength are no match for communication and teamwork.
He hated drinking from mud puddles worst of all. But a few weeks after the rains came life was good again. But Michael always had things to do, and so later the next spring he met his own demise when he was bitten by a hippopotamus while chasing it's young. It just seemed to come out of nowhere. As he lay dieing from a pierced lung he thought, "I should have known better". But neither Michael, nor lions, much question the mysterious rule of destiny. As his final strength was leaving him, he remembered all of the times the angels had spoken to him so as to remind him of who he really was. "No wonder," he thought, it was as he had always warned his pride. Take the older sick ones first, leave the young ones alone if you can. All creatures will fight harder for love than they will for anything else, even their own survival.
It had always been his fascination, even as a lion, why creatures behaved as they did.
End Chapter Twelve

BBC: Spies to Have Higher Profile

CIA to Have It's Own MySpace for Agents


Not that I wish to seem paranoid, but the launching of "A-Space", a sort of MySpace for intelligence analysts at this time seems highly suspicious to me. Of course the public wouldn't be privy to all of the details involved in such a thing, but one wonders if the administration is threatening to expose undercover agents as it did with Plame but using a third party system that would avoid the messy details involved in the Plame affair. All they would need to do is have one of their pet hackers make the site public in order to create an intelligence agency nightmare. Actually, all they would have to do is say that the site had been compromised in order to create waves of panic in the CIA.

The purpose of such an endeavor, in theory, would be to let rebellious undercover CIA agents know that they could be compromised to death by the executive branch leadership should they turn upon their masters. Just a thought, of course I would have no direct proof of such a thing, but I've long thought that they made an example of Plame for exposing the fact that the administration was actively trying to plant weapons of mass destruction in Iraq prior to the war, a part of the Plame story which apparently gets little attention because it's a matter of somebody's national security. "We exposed Plame, we could expose you too."
What one must realize is that, as details emerge into the public light of day, those who operate on a need to not know basis will know more and more and will eventually be able to do the math for themselves. In such a scenario, all of a sudden agents understand precisely what it is that they've been up to, and may not be at all happy with their masters. Nobody likes being played for a fool.
The fact that participation in the new "A-Space" would be voluntary could be construed as it being more of a spider web of entrapment rather than a mandated compromise of personal security and therefore, even more suspicious. One also wonders just what sort of spam the participants might receive, or whether or not the "A-Space" will have built in means of looking into the personal computers of it's members.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Fortress Americana A Would Be Nazi Paradise

 Much More Than Your Average Conspiracy Theory
Evidence differs from proof, of course. Evidence simply suggests that something may in fact be true, whereas proof removes all doubt. As an analyst, most of the work revolves around the former. What does the evidence suggest, is the always question. In that regard it's much like any other science. First we have a hypothesis. If there is adequate evidence in order to make it compelling, it becomes theory. All of this because it's always very helpful to understand what's going on long before all of the facts can be obtained. If you wait for hard proof, often you've waited too long in the world of intelligence matters.
So, at any given time I have understandings which would fall under one or another category of hypothesis, theory or proven fact. Sometimes success comes from knowing where to start looking, which is the function of any hypothesis. There are a lot of things which I've heard over the years, things which my objective nature wouldn't allow me to do any more than to file them away like so many newspaper clippings. Even then, there was no way of proving my sources, being as they were largely telepathic, and therefore beyond developing towards a solid theory which would help me towards knowing where and how to keep looking, so those bits of evidence served little immediate value in a world which rightfully has a preference for provable facts. But I realized then that ultimately, those same tidbits might end up being of enormous importance one day.
Here I'll tell you about one such theory which has consistently received more, rather than less evidence as the decades have gone by.
Apart from money, power and sex, Nazi's think about race more than anything else. The Nazi story is that exponential population growth will leave the world one day with diminishing resources for which people will have to fight wars, will do so based on skin color first and foremost, and that the Nazis wish to be well prepared for that struggle. It's always been their biggest selling point. But even as population growth begins to stabilize, there is still that it remains their biggest selling point in matters about which they have now innumerable selfish interests. Thus they wouldn't want to deprive themselves of overpopulation even if they could. Not until they rule the world. All of this begins to explain a whole host of social ills as symptoms brought about by the incestuous disease of Nazism. Eugenics, death camps, slave labor, forced sterilization, biological warfare, chemical warfare, warfare in general, poverty, world domination, mind control... All of these would be on the short list. 
In practical terms this means that the Nazis have to do away with any power owned by any populace at large since they are to be ruled by a wealthy minority of white people. Perhaps the biggest challenge to such a rule would be the Constitution of the United States and it's Bill of Rights, which in the event that it could not be subverted by legal means, or by asymmetric warfare, would have to be met with direct force, that is, civil war. Because it's not easy to raise an army of experienced soldiers on the sly, it must therefore be done under false pretenses, and the soldiers must be truly mercenarial since their allegiances will be first and foremost to the powers of Big Money. There is never much room for matters of conscience where Nazis are concerned. They rightfully see human conscience as their worst enemy.
In the Nazi's long term strategy all of this will be used first to establish an empire out of which plans for world domination can be acted upon while still having adequate homeland defenses sufficient to ward off a world response. My understanding is that the Americas are seen as prime real estate for defensive purposes as well as for resources, and that Fortress Americana is the Nazi vision. Canada and Mexico complete the northern province, and South America the other half of the fortress. While the Nazis have enjoyed a lot of power, particularly in the illegal drug trade run by proxy, Chavez has appeared as an enormous thorn in their side, just as Castro has always worried them. It may come as a surprise to the western world, but Nazis worst enemy isn't capitalist democracy, it's communism. It was, after all, the Russians who really handed Hitler his butt, and sacrificed perhaps more than all the other allies combined. America, however, placed itself in the business of listening to Nazis about communism, and the Nazis simply created a problem for which no solution was necessary (think McCarthyism), and then sold us on Nazis being the solution to the non existent problem. It is not communism, socialism, democracy nor capitalism which are truly the problem, it is that at any time these may become infected with fascism, the Nazis stock and trade. That's the reality.
Ok, so I have had some hearsay sorts of evidence for all of this over the decades, and I kept it all filed away in my mind somewhere under Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (inspired by the title of a great old book that belonged to my sister),  and I don't really think about it all that often until something else needs to be filed there under the section called "Evidence".
The government, most notably George Herbert Walker Bush, continues to be inexplicably concerned about Castro, and more recently, Chavez. There were election irregularities in Canada and Mexico prior to conservatives taking office there, just as there were here. An army of 127,000 mercenaries has been raised in Iraq under the control of the Industrial War Complex Ike warned us about, an industrial complex who are close friends with the CIA whom Truman regretted. George W. Bush is trying to shore up his personal relationship with both Canada and Mexico, and while the Iraq war may soon be over, our Police forces are complaining that they can't get enough bullets. Our National Guardsmen have been taken over by the federal government and our cities and towns are being sprayed with God knows what by unmarked aircraft at about the same time that the novel 1984 is seeming ever more like a book of prophecy, a warning.
Tony Blair et al seized upon the Death of Princess Di to try and turn public opinion against the royals, the Crown having long been a bastion of liberal, not conservative thinking. In keeping with what we know about MKULTRA and the entrapment and blackmail measures used under a variety of names including Project Monarch, every time you turn over a conservative stone in Washington these days there runs away yet another boy bugger or adulterer. My information, by the way, is that while in Texas George Herbert Walker Bush personally entrapped a drunken LBJ into a sexual act with a minor child who was hypnotized and trained to seduce adults, all of this occuring while under surveillance. My evidence for that is entirely telepathic, so it just remains under the heading "for what it's worth" at the moment. We do have documentation, however, that unlike just about anyone else on the planet, GHWB can't remember where he was when JFK was shot. The documentation, however, shows that right after the assassination, GHWB called somebody to announce that someone that George knew had made suspicious statements about the president (apparently later, in an effort to make it up, the same "suspect" ended up working for GHWB). That phone call was made by GHWB from Dallas on the day of the killing, and my guess is that old George quite simply panicked when people started turning over cars with Texas license plates and had to do something, anything. And so he placed the finger pointing call to make himself feel better by placing suspicion on someone else, the oldest Nazi trick in the book. He may have worried that said "suspect" knew too much.
Alright, so conspiracy theories can go on and on, but here are just a few things that might be worth considering somewhere in your own X-Files. Worth considering because I think that any reasoned mind would have to say that all of this makes a great deal more sense than your average conspiracy theory. At least it's consistent, whether you start counting government irregularities from the bottom up or from the top down. Logic itself dictates that the shortest distance between those two points, just like any others, would be a straight line. And in this case, the straight lines all point to the Bush crime syndicate and the executive branch of the United States government. To this blogger, anything else would simply be a distraction from the known facts.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Yreka Hit With Chemtrails

Executive Branch Bombards Yreka

Targeting Liberal Blog Authors?


Yreka, CA-  Chemtrails returned over the skies of Yreka today, while it's anyone's guess as to why, my guess is that they're upset with this blog author for my recent editorials and because I've threatened to expose them for their involvement with MKULTRA.

As discussed in earlier articles, the chemtrail aircraft come under the authority of the Executive branch, and were listed on a bill that didn't make it through Congress as "exotic weapons". See photos below:


 Yreka, CA

After two years of being bombarded with chemtrails I've become pretty good at spotting the resulting clouds left in their wake, although they sometimes look fairly natural at a distance. In this scene which seemed eerily reminiscent of the movie, The Ten Commandments, I was wondering if these were indeed chemtrail clouds that were forming the "hand of death" look above. Shortly thereafter the signature aircraft appeared and removed all doubt. This occurred at about 4:45 PM.


 Yreka, CA

The above photo looks very familiar to me since they often leave a single trail over my residence whenever they're particularly upset with something that I've written. That might seem paranoid, I know, but how many times does it have to happen before you get the hint? And is it really paranoia if they're really out to get you?


 Yreka, CA

In the above photo taken shortly before 8:00 PM chemtrails can be seen appearing all over the skies. It seemed to me that they originally wanted to be less photogenic about their continued bombardment, but got upset when I began to take pictures anyway and then cut loose overhead. Of course, it may just have seemed that way, but then that's how MKULTRA works. It's always about the mind games, and about not getting caught. In the world of mind control, the first thing that you learn is "timing is everything", and "there are no accidents". "That's so that no one else will see what they are about to do to your mind."

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

MKULTRA and the Executive Branch

Time for a Show of Cards 


Sometimes you'd think that Washington believes the nation to be comprised solely of fools. They should get out more.
Politics are the business of changing opinions. There are a few honest ways to go about that, and more dishonest ways to do it than a body can count. Let me tell you that whenever a politician that I formerly believed in comes out and tells some fish story it breaks my heart. Because I know that I can never trust his word again. A man is only as good as his word, and that's doubly true of politicians, although at some point we all seemed to accept that lies are what gets people elected in the first place. In the court of popularity alone, sociopaths do quite well, where an honest man is often guaranteed to offend just about everyone at some time or another. People don't always want to hear the truth. The truth can hurt.
Martial arts are ninety percent mental. And to me that means that if you have a strong enough and intelligent enough of a mind you simply won't ever have to fight. But I guess it's best to be prepared for that one time out of ten that doesn't allow for a situation to be defused. You'd think that the government has the reverse philosophy of shooting first and asking questions much later. Too much later.
Is it appropriate to question the government in a time of war? You bet it is. There's never a better time to ask precisely why so many people will have to die. And our founding fathers secured for us the right to question our government about anything, because the government serves the people and not the other way around. Now if your servant went and shot somebody, wouldn't you ask them precisely why they did such a thing? Sure you would.
Ok, so now tell me this. If you're the one making decisions, and a home invasion robbery occurred, when should it end? If the Iraq war was about the oil, that's all it was, a home invasion robbery. Alright, so some of you might say, well, our intentions were better than that. Ok, then if the police took the battering ram to the wrong house because there was something wrong with the warrant, how long should they stay there? Look around while they're there? Stay around for some unspecified amount of time to make sure that they never have to come back to that house ever again? Stick around because you have to make sure that people don't fight over the mess that you've created?
Let's put a little common sense into matters. You can't begin with a crime and end up with justice, plain and simple. The Iraq war was criminal from the start, and you just will never ever turn that sow's ear into a silk purse. And much of the world has declared the Iraq war to have been criminal. We just don't get to hear about the meetings or the petitions signed by world's leaders that have declared the persons responsible for the war to be criminals. A matter of somebody's insecurity, I suppose. But it could be as important to national security that we do hear of such things, and perhaps much more so than the hush-hush we've been left with which seems to serve but a very few, and at the expense of hundreds of thousands of lives. Millions more if you count all the lives that will never be the same again.
What part of "Thou shalt not bear false witness" didn't this administration understand? And when did the illegal breaking down of someone's door justify hanging around to see what can be gained from it? Don't you look down from your ivory towers in Washington and think that all of us common folk are so stupid that you'll get away with insulting our intelligence forever. You know, a lot of people aren't common because they're stupid or ignorant, they're common because they're honest. If you can't bring yourself to lie, cheat, steal and backstab, you probably won't get far in the corporate world, or in government. And honest people don't make good butt kissers either. Common people are so unlike your pet sociopaths. Now, you may think me politically naive for thinking so highly of integrity and credibility, but every dog has his day, and there is no day in court like the one in which the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth really gets told. What a state of affairs we're in. "But your honor, the witness is a politician, and that goes to the heart of his credibility."
It's become apparent to the nation that Congress lives in some other world. And that they don't seem to care much about the world in which We the People live anymore, which is why their approval ratings are in the toilet. We common people of common sense can only sit back and wonder why our elected representatives aren't protecting us from "the high and mighty" fat heads. Are they too intimidated, or too corrupt? It's one or the other unless you can sit all the way through another song and dance, or hold your nose and say how sweet a red, white and blue bannered wagon full of horse pucky  can smell, especially in the misty morning hours when the truth has dawned. As for me, well, I used to live next to one of the nation's largest dairy preserves, I know BS when I smell it. No brag, just fact. Likewise regarding the suitable MKULTRA propaganda metaphor also contained therein. No brag, just fact. Experience, after all, is the best teacher, as they say. I highly doubt that the government would have taught me so much about such matters if they hadn't been so confident that I could meet an early demise. But to put this quite frankly, I'm not as dumb as the government looks. MKULTRA placed it's bets, and I placed mine. It's time for a show of cards. Since my dimwitted opponent chooses not to share his hand, it's time to examine the deck. The game was rigged. It's just that I know how to read marked cards too. And I knew about those extra aces up his sleeves.
Here's the whole damned scam in a nutshell. Operation Paperclip's MKULTRA is behind everything in the executive branch, behind NASA, the NSA, the CIA, and just about everything the executive branch touches including the DoD and the DoJ. And with it's illegal surveillance, has even become a cancer inside Congress, some of whose members may have been blackmailed, corrupted, or intimidated with their worst fears for having been themselves targets of illegal surveillance. About which, of course, the executive branch doesn't want anyone to know anything at all. And all of this has been going on for a very long time. I'll leave you, the reader, with these words from what would have been, should have been, a sort of New Camelot:
"The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the Americans freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight."
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Columbia University, 10 days before his assassination.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

US Satellites Spy on Americans

The Tip of an Intelligence Iceberg 


Since I began this blog I've been telling the world about top secret US assets which are being used to commit crimes against humanity and against US citizens in violation of the law, as well as to undermine our elected government and our way of life. 
All of this has been increasingly, albeit it slowly coming to light. While I hope that my investigations and analysis have provided some insight, many of the basic facts are available now thanks to the Freedom of Information Act and are now well established. And everywhere on the Internet one can find every kind of corroborating testimony about everything from chemtrails to the use of electromagnetic weapons on innocent US citizens.
Essentially what this has done in this high stakes game is to cause those behind all of the dark programs, including MKULTRA, to make an effort at normalizing such things. Where the story was once that Congress and the American public was just too stupid to know how to deal with classified information and so wouldn't be advised about the details of such programs, apparently including MKULTRA, already banned by Congress, now we're down to "But wait! Let me show you how well it works!" An effort to get these dark and insidious programs to seem more normal, more acceptable, so that the criminals in charge may avoid prosecution. Prosecution for crimes such as mass murder, torture, treason and espionage.
In the article by Raw Story to which there is a link below one can see the official line that these satellites can read electromagnetic signatures even within concrete structures. What they're not saying yet, and don't want revealed to the public, is that they can interfere with these electromagnetic signatures for purposes of  torturing or mind controlling innocent US citizens, political opponents, journalists, or anyone at all, since the program has no oversight whatsoever, but has remained a top secret part of the executive branch, run through NASA by George Herbert Walker Bush. While we tend to tilt our heads at all of the very strange reports about chemtrails and tin foil hats, we should be understanding that they are all part of the same vast right wing conspiracy, and ultimately all commanded by the same people, the Bush family and it's Operation Paperclip friends. And, as I understand it, the same people who killed JFK andhis brother, as well as any other opponents to stand in their way. At least whenever they thought they'd get away with it, which they nearly did.
As with any investigation into criminal networkings, the questions will be who knew what and when did they know it. George Herbert Walker Bush knows more than anyone about these things. I know this because he has been able to contact me through these microwave and electromagnetic means now and again throughout the decades. But of course I would be at a loss as how to prove such a thing about top secret programs and persons unless there were full subpoena power given to finding evidence, and that said evidence wasn't destroyed prior to discovery, as it was when MKULTRA was first investigated.
Now, let me be clear about all of this once again. All of the classified information that I share here was obtained legally and forthrightly. I told these people that I intended to investigate them, and that I would release the details of my investigation as I saw fit. And as a volunteer for mind control experimentation I would not sign a nondisclosure agreement under any circumstances. And I pretty much announced all of that to the world through the President, Congress, the mainstream press and Interpol. That was just over 20 years ago. And one of the reasons that the vast right wing conspiracy  embarked on a campaign to control or silence anyone and everyone by any means possible, including harassment, intimidation, murder, treason and espionage. Or to be succinct, through terrorism.
It's time to wake up, America. Whatever you thought the truth to be probably wasn't the truth at all. Prepare for the shock of your lives when all of the real details come pouring out.
Article from Raw Story:

Monday, August 13, 2007

The President That Wasn't

 Turning Back the Clock
More than likely we will eventually come to find out that there was nothing at all that was legal about the Bush presidency, that both elections were tampered with as well as the courts who sustained them, and that 9/11 was a plot to have him re elected and send the country to war, giving the unelected "president" his expanded powers while making billions, if not trillions in profit for friends and family and for their political war chest and for their dirty tricks slush funding. Vast right wing conspiracies require vast fundraising. And these are people who are used to spending our own taxes against us by way of unknown intelligence and military budgets.
Consider this; that if George W. Bush's presidency was illegal from the start, that nothing he has done while in office is legal. No appointment, no nomination, no law signed into being, no signing statement, no action ordered by this so called president would be at all legal, since he wasn't legally elected, and since he acted illegally in so many circumstances. It essentially means that apart from new laws enacted to the contrary, legally, we would be altogether returned to a time before Bush held office. His every order as a "Commander and Chief" was treason, and perhaps espionage.
The people should be prepared to defend the Constitution whenever our government fails to do so, this is clearly stated in our Constitution. What all of this will will mean is that there is an inevitable fight ahead to take back the political ground gained illegally for and by the republican party, and that the temptation will be to simply have more back room deal making where someone allows the right wing extreme to keep something stolen from We the People in exchange for not making them work so hard on some pet project. That means that we will have to be prepared to hold Congress' feet to the fire in order to get back all of the stolen goods. In many ways, it is the American people who lead their government and not the other way around. At least whenever we feel up to the challenge of leadership by the majority as opposed to deferring to the millionaires club in Washington. When the pressure is on, they have to  listen to us.  When it's off they apparently listen to anyone but us. The propaganda machine of the vast right wing conspiracy will continue to pour out their lies into our social network, and it will be for the liberals to rise to the challenge, not of creating counter propaganda, but of anti propaganda, educating the public about how propaganda works to derail facts, and even reason itself.  
One of the worst things to happen to this nation, and which contributed to our current state of affairs, is that we were lulled into complacency after we got rid of Nixon and ended the Viet Nam war. We should have gone after these same people then, Nixon himself referred to George Herbert Walker Bush as a "ruthless little bastard." But the nation was anxious to heal, anxious to regain it's better reputation in the eyes of the world. The problem is that the nation didn't heal, only a quick fix of it's symptoms occurred, the disease remained, and the better reputation we regained wasn't at all deserved. Abuses of human rights and civil rights were still occurring long after the Church committee had revealed some scant portion of them. There can be no more doubting what will happen if we let this conspiracy go again. The next time we'll be in for the fight of our lives, and it just may be that neither the nation, nor even the world will survive it. Control freak dictators never resolve to learn their lessons, they have every intention of giving them at the earliest opportunity and every opportunity thereafter, and the lessons are always for good people to fear them. This nation and this world must endeavor to prevent such future occurrences at every turn. The old adage about Nazism hasn't changed, nor has it ever declined in it's importance. "We must never forget. We must always remember."  And it has long been my contention that the real Nazi conspiracy in this nation has long depended upon it's loosed Operation Paperclip Nazis and MKULTRA to undermine our Constitution, and it's form of government which is majority rule. It maintains minority rule by preventing the majority from thinking clearly, from thinking freely. We have to tell them every day "It's the fascism, stupid."
We cannot afford to continue to give aid and comfort to the enemies of our Constitution, and to the people who are really trying to destroy our way of life, our way of life which has always been first and foremost, to be free. Free to be Muslims, free to be liberals, free to be protestors, free to speak, free to publish, and free to think for ourselves. Freedom is more than the hallmark of being an American, it's a litmus test.  Growing up in my house one frequently heard the old saying, "I might not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
An  editorial which I wrote for a newsletter in 1984 on the occasion of Independence Day comes to mind. It was entitled The Great American Fighting Spirit. "We fight everything", I wrote, "we fight bacteria, tooth decay and body odor. We fight going to bed when we're young and getting up when we're old. That's why people come from everywhere to be here. It's the home of the great American fighting spirit." Of course there wasn't any need to mention to my readers how we got that way. We're born freedom fighters. We cut our teeth on the notion that it is both our right and our duty to remain free at all costs. I was only seven years old when I drank deeply from the immortal words of Patrick Henry who said, "Give me liberty or give me death."  To an American patriot, I noted, freedom meant more than life itself. We began this democracy with a fight for freedom, and our founding fathers were quick to advise future generations that it would be a never ending fight to remain free, whether from threats from without or from within. As long as we had our most precious gift of freedom, there would always be those who would be eager to steal it. It is our great failure not to have understood the abnormal psychology of dictators who would do just that if we let them. Instead we fell for all of their illusions. It is not riches and fame which makes good men, evil men may have both. And often do, at least until they have gone too far and been discovered for just who and what they really are, evil, deranged men.
Torture, secret prisons, no right to a fair trial, lies, cover ups, unjust wars and atrocities. How is it that we failed to know such men by their works? As if they could be good enough in some other ways while committing crimes against humanity itself? Make no mistake about it, America won't regain any of it's credibility in the world until we prosecute these criminals to the fullest extent of the law. And the government will only continue to lose credibility with the American public as well until it begins to clean up it's own back yard.
Good article about how and why we need to take back all of the political ground stolen from us by the vast right wing conspiracy:

Free Thought Movement Grows

Free Thought Movement Grows
More Resources for Mind Control
Research Becoming Available
When I first started researching on the Internet there were precious few resources regarding things like mind control, electromagnetic weapons or even multi stalking (gang stalking). That's changed considerably. Just wanted to call attention to the new addition in our Favorites Sites section which provides a long list of resources.
Freedom of Thought wishes to provide those interested in matters of mind control with the most reliable resources available but has not the time to research them all. Matters of mind control can be quite complex and may include many different approaches used by conspirators towards any number of ends, but as interested parties we can all be united in standing up for human rights, and for our civil rights.
Collection of links regarding mind control and related issues:

Sunday, August 12, 2007

AT&T Known for Civil Rights Violations

AT&T Has a History of Civil Rights Violations
The incident in which AT&T censored criticisms of George Bush from Pearl Jam's web cast performance is not an isolated incident. At least two other bands have had their civil rights to free speech violated by AT&T.
Isn't this the same company that routes it's Internet traffic through to spy agencies? Somebody should tell them what it means to be an American.

Friday, August 10, 2007

The World Needs Journalists Not Propagandists

When Did the News Become Unimportant to News People?

Great article about true journalistic responsibility from Nieman Watchdog, Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University.

How long will America's press be Bush's propagandist lapdogs?


Nieman Watchdog > Commentary > I.F. Stone's lessons for Internet journalism

Iraqi State Library Seized

Librarians Fear for Lives, Library


Iraqi soldiers seize Iraq national library and archive with US blessings, staff fears for their lives, Director fears that the soldiers will set fire to the library.

This blogger wonders if the government is testing the waters of censorship with all of these recent actions.


Looting fear as Iraqi state library seized | Iraq | Guardian Unlimited

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GOP Censors Liberal Blog

Liberal Blog Unwelcome on Michigan State Senate Computers


Michigan- A liberal blog entitled "Blogging for Michigan" has been ordered by the GOP to be blocked from Michigan State Senate computers. A clear case of censorship, apparently the GOP can't handle the truth.

Fascism is happening now. Democracy better rise to the challenge.  


Story developing:

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Cybercast Concert Censored

Pearl Jam Concert Lyrics Censored


AT&T censored lyrics criticizing George W. Bush from a cybercast live Pearl Jam concert and is trying to blame one of it's vendors. One way or the other, the responsibility lies with AT&T.

The lyrics which were censored from the performance went, "George Bush, leave this world alone" and "George Bush, find yourself another home", sung to Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall", a song from an album that I always thought was about mind control. The band then lead into  a performance of the Pearl Jam song "Daughter".

Article from Reuters:

AT&T calls censorship of Pearl Jam lyrics an error | Entertainment | Reuters

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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Chemtrails Over Yreka

Chemtrails Over Yreka


Yreka, CA- More chemtrails spotted in the skies, an ongoing feature of life in this small community for the last two years. Prior to that planes were seldom seen overhead in this town so far away from normal air traffic.

 8/9/2007 Yreka, Ca

The purpose of the chemtrails is unknown, and the aircraft that spray them unidentifiable, flying while bearing no markings whatsoever is illegal.

Chemtrails have been known to make people ill or even kill, according to some reports, spraying any of a number of substances including sedative like neuro toxins. In some areas where there has been frequent chemtrail activity high concentrations of metallic substances have been found in soil and water samples. They also seem to be used as a means of general harassment against political dissidents and whistle blowers

Chemtrails were listed as an exotic weapon in the Space Preservation Act, a bill which has been repeatedly voted down by Congress.