Sunday, June 17, 2007

An American Nobody

An American Nobody 

A Fathers Day Tribute

Hello Everyone,

This father's day I decided to do something very unusual, since I'm away from my own children, and don't really feel like doing much of anything else. It won't be immediately apparent what this article has to do with Father's Day, but we'll get to that later on in the article.
For now I want to talk about mind control, about harassment, and about how difficult it is for someone like me because I'm not one of the rich and famous. Like most of you I'm an ordinary American citizen, a nobody, really. Not that my life hasn't been unusual in some ways. Very much so at times, but for the most part, I'm just like everyone else, and that's one of my biggest problems.
Being just like everyone else isn't ordinarily much of a problem, it's just ordinary. But it becomes a problem when your mortal enemy is rich and famous. When you are a nobody, and they are a someone. It's a problem because people will ask you how it was that you ever became so special as to have attracted the attention of someone else who is so rich and famous, as if such a thing existed so far out of the realm of possibility as to be impossible. 
The rich and famous have vast resources to spend, and a lot of strings to pull, all of which can be used in one way or another to further discredit, harass or intimidate their nobody victims, nobody victims who always start out with the experience that no one is likely to believe them about having someone rich and famous as a mortal enemy.
It doesn't really have to make sense that such nobodies have nothing to gain by taking on someone rich and famous, by taking their chances in exposing them, by risking the wrath of popular opinion turned against them for having dared to say boo to a somebody. If it doesn't make sense, then of course it couldn't be that they really do have a problem with a somebody, it must not make sense because such a person must simply be crazy. Because as we all know, somebodies are saints and nobodies can be crazy.
Well, alright. You didn't agree that somebodies are all saints, history would tell us otherwise. But then why does wealth and fame automatically put such persons above suspicion whenever they are charged with complaints from nobodies like me, I have to wonder. And how does anyone know that this isn't just a part of being rich and famous which is exploited by somebodies, that they can get away with murder when it comes to nobodies like me.  And precisely because no one will believe them, and because your ordinary person hasn't the means to go up against the rich and powerful, let alone the public support to take on somebody famous. Just doing so may make one a pariah, not only in our society, but within one's own family. Only insanity could explain a family member bringing charges against somebody rich and famous. Why is that? 
Bear in mind that such cases place an extraordinary burden of proof on the victim. You have to show motive, some reason that someone of such fame and wealth would take it upon themselves to harm you. But that proceeds from the idea that being rich and famous is a good indication that someone is moral and sane. We don't ask rape victims why they were raped, or serial murder victims why they were murdered, because those answers lie with the perpetrator, not with the victim. And it is no less likely, one might suppose, that the rich and the famous occasionally became so precisely because they are immoral, and/or insane. Al Capone once quipped, "You can get a lot more with a smile and a gun, than with a smile alone."
This is all particularly true in the area of mind control. First, because they choose their victims for reasons known to them, not to their victims. Secondly, because mind control is inherently immoral and unjust. Third, I suspect, because mind controllers themselves have perfected rather degenerated forms of  thinking among themselves in order to maintain control of one another. And fourth, because mind control itself began among such degenerates as built Nazi death camps, and so is also inherently pathological, beginning at square one and never actually leaving that square. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Nor can you achieve morality out of any philosophy born in death camps, at least not by the people who owned and operated them.
For me to tell you why *I* would think that my life drew the attention of someone rich and famous would be rather counterproductive. First, because I can't be sure why psychopaths do what they do. Secondly, because that reason might be so strange as to strain belief in any common mind. All of this, the perpetrators of mind control know right well, they seek early on to remove the credibility of their victims by driving them half insane, long before they stand a chance of knowing who is doing the driving or why. They sneak up on you, you know. They don't announce to you that you're about to be mind controlled. If they ever do, you're already there when they tell you. That's the conclusion that I came to, anyway.
No, I suppose it really wouldn't be well received by the world at large that George Herbert Walker Bush wanted something from me, a nobody, when he could have anything at all just for the asking. Anything, I suppose, but the truly exotic which money couldn't buy. And the only thing that I can think of is my ongoing telepathic discussions with voices who claimed to be aliens. Not that I would have thought it, not that I ever even paid it that much attention, being a nobody. But here again, I can only guess why psychopaths do what they do to nobodies. Who can say for sure?
Oh, to be clear, that doesn't mean that I don't have my own ideas about things, but what nobodies can prove is an entirely different matter. Not like I can go out and hire a team of private investigators, researchers and lawyers or anything. No, for that, we nobodies would have to depend on the justice system. But what if that justice system is run by your mortal enemy, by the psychopath himself? Can you possibly imagine a harder row to hoe?  But that's just the case with so many victims, and perhaps especially with victims of mind control.
So, I'm going to mostly just skip over my thoughts as to why a psychopath would target nobodies, and go to something that is on my mind this father's day. My life has become so greatly complicated for so long that I often have to place some things of great importance out of mind just to keep up with whatever is going on daily.
Today while doing my usual research someone pointed me to an article about the CIA, and as I read it, I came across a bit of trivia which had long been lost amid the myriad of other details which are vast right wing conspiracies. George Herbert Walker Bush was a newly appointed Director of the CIA in 1975, and it was later that year that my sister died from an overdose of alcohol and prescriptionsleeping pills. An event which was apparently precipitated by her college, Antioch West, telling her that contrary to all expectations, she would have to attend another semester before she would have her Master's degree in psychology, a semester she could ill afford. And at the same time her boyfriend up and left her for her best friend. Of course, such things do happen all on their own, or at least one supposes that they may. Then again, the CIA has the sorts of resources, skills, and experience to do people in, and in just such a manner if they wanted to. I know. They've been trying to get me to kill myself for just as long. While they've come very close, obviously they never succeeded.
Now, what has this to do with father's day, you might ask. Well, I believe that George Herbert Walker Bush had issues with my father. And with me. But the reasons for that would be speculative, and I don't think as a victim I should have to say how or why a psychopath chooses his victims, I should just be able to say that the matter needs to be investigated thoroughly. While I may not have a whole lot of hard proof about my mind control experience, I do have something else perhaps as valuable, and it took me a long time to acquire it. I have erudition. I can make more sense of mind control issues than anyone that I know or have ever heard of. Nobody ever gave me a degree in mind control, to be sure, but I can demonstrate my understanding of it. Hopefully I have begun to do that here at Freedom of Thought. And since I can demonstrate that I have a much better understanding of my victimization than the mind control victim who testified on the matter to congress in the seventies, the result of which was the banning of MKULTRA, it would be an obvious miscarriage of justice if I am not also allowed to testify before congress.
Of course, the thing is, at least what seems obvious to me, is that the Bush empire is synonymous with mind control and with MKULTRA. And as it's power wanes, my chances of catching my sister's murderer have never been better. And while my father passed away in 1980 from lung cancer, this father's day I remember how much influence he had on my life.
It wasn't until I was much older that I learned why so much of our family moved from Mississippi to California all at once. Quite simply, my father had witnessed a hate crime, and reported on it at the paper where he worked back in the thirties. He'd been witness to a black man having been dragged down Main Street behind a pickup truck tied to a chain.  There were Klan threats after the article appeared, and one night somebody jumped him with a knife as he was coming out of a phone booth. But my father was an amateur boxer, and though his arms were cut up some, he managed to survive the encounter. Anyway, my father was a good and strong man who taught me many things. And I'd like to think that this enormous challenge of taking on the Bush empire, and Bush himself, who I believe it was that along with the CIA murdered my sister, well, that these times would mean a lot to him.
Just what precisely this has to do with father's day is something that I don't know whether or not I can put into words. Perhaps, just that we never really appreciate what we have in us due to our father's love until it's put to the test. And that whenever I was deep in trouble, a good many times, it was often something that he had told me at some point in time that came to mind and made the difference, apart from which I probably never would have survived all of this. And I hope this father's day, people will stop and think deeply about such things, and not wait until they've found themselves sorely tested to know how much a father's love has shaped them.
Here's to you, Pop. And all you did for me. For us. And for everyone else when you took your stand for free speech, and a free press, all those years ago.


Anonymous said...

My comment will mean most likely nothing but, people are afraid to believe this stuff because of what it may mean for them. Conspiracy theories are always dismissed as fantasy or an over attactive emagination or whatever. This doesn't mean it isn't true. That's what they bank on. It IS unbelievable. I admit it scares me but I also don't put anything past the Bush administration.
I'm less of a nobody than you are, I'm a 44 year old mother of three and grandmother of three. All I do for a living is drive a school bus!
I will keep reading your blog it is very interesting. I hope you find peace.

Anonymous said...

Your comment is very much appreciated, moomooluv. And I believe that you very much are a somebody. Everybody is a somebody, that's the way I see it, anyway.
Thank you for your words of support and encouragement, and thanks for taking the time to write in.

Best Wishes,