Thursday, March 27, 2008

Defense Against Direct Energy Weapons

  Defense Against

Direct Energy Mind Control

People who experience problems with direct energy weapons are sometimes known as "wavies" within the mind control community in order to differentiate between them and other sorts of mind control victims. The term, of course, is a reference to the electromagnetic waves and the microwaves used in combination in order to gain control of a victims mind via remote technologies.
Over the past three and a half years I've experienced a very intense campaign by the government to gain control of my mind using a rather extensive variety of methods. What one has to understand is that money is no object to persons who pull down $50 billion dollar budgets. One may find oneself bombarded with direct energy warfare for any number of reasons. Maybe the victim was a political opponent or a whistle blower, maybe the government just needed communities to experiment with, maybe it's because the people in charge of such programs are psychopathological, sociopathological, obsessed with dominating other persons for reasons only they would know, it just doesn't matter. The fact is there are thousands of victims online who are routinely dismissed as nut cases mostly due to the propagandists who spread disinformation about such things, propagandists who work for the very same people in charge of the direct energy weapons.
The best known defense is aluminum.
While helpful, it's far from perfect. 
A combination of aluminum and magnetic materials works much better.
The most important area to cover is the top of the skull. The setup seen here
is good for public use.
 It's hard for most people to imagine what these sorts of weapons do or how they can be harmful. After all, they're referred to as "non lethal" weapons because they don't kill, right? Think again. Via synthetic telepathy and illegal surveillance they can make otherwise harmless individuals into people suffering forms of temporary insanity. They can place voices, images, thoughts, emotions and even physical sensations right into any individual that they choose to target. Part of it is microwave technology, part of it is electromagnetic, but essentially they manage to tap into the central nervous system and manipulate it's impulses. So they can be threatening you and your family, telling you what your spouse has been doing and with whom in exquisite detail, or what they've caught you doing lately. They can make you violently angry, they can make you morbidly depressed. The thing is that they won't just do it to you. They'll do it to your family, your friends, your community, your co-workers, anyone they want. Just to get to you. And maybe they just want to get to you in order to get to someone else. How would you know?
 These magnets have been very helpful when placed in the ears.
They ease the physical and emotional sensations and make
the voice to skull sound seem more distant.
The physical sensations range from annoying itches, crawling skin, pin pricks, aches and sometimes even severe pain. Why is anybody's guess. Maybe they weren't getting anywhere with the verbal voice to skull threats, maybe they just wanted to distract you from something that you were thinking or doing. Maybe they needed you to call in sick that day. Look, in the end it's sort of like expecting a victim to tell you why somebody mugged them, beat them or raped them. God knows why. It's really a very stupid and ignorant prejudice that blamesthe victim just because we ourselves haven't been victims, as if we are too smart or good and the people who do must have been asking for it somehow, or simply because we can't understand why the perps do what they do.
The material is pretty soft and it's easy to round
the edges to make for a more comfortable fit.
They're fairly inconspicuous and stay in well.
One should understand from the outset that these mind controllers have a lot of assets, satellites, planes, connections into the media and law enforcement, they're everywhere. It's like the invasion of the body snatchers. One day everybody is normal, and the next day you're living things which couldn't have been imagined by the writers of horror novels. Auditory signals can be produced over large areas subliminally where they can barely if ever be heard. If you're aware of them, aware that it's not you who would be thinking such things, you can barely hear them now and again when just the right conditions are present. Subliminal advertising worked in movie theatres for selling popcorn, and apparently the same planes that are dumping pharmaceutical psychotropic chemicals on us do so in order to make us even more suggestible as a population. In fact it may well be that the same planes who are spraying the chemtrails are also outfitted with direct energy weapon (SOLO) technologies.
Unmarked aircraft.
Sound paranoid? Well it's not. It's not being paranoid if someone is really out to get you. Knowing what we now know, MKULTRA was/is very real, illegal surveillance is very real, direct energy weapons and chemtrails are very real. In light of such things, how does one reasonably conclude that the government isn't out to get us? Like most people I pretty much took the ostrich approach until that simply wasn't working for me anymore.
Chemtrail plane, also unmarked. 
One doesn't go through something day and night for three and a half years without learning a thing or two. I could have graduated with a PHD in strange by now. So I decided to share a little bit of what I've picked up along the way for whomever is interested. Awareness is the key thing. If they sneak up on you and you have no clue what is going on or why you could end up going off the deep end in a big way and play right into their hands. But forewarned is forearmed and the public has to be made aware of the threat that it faces so that people will be that less likely to snap or panic if and when it happens to them. For the government's part, we need them to stop these covert criminal programs immediately, and we need them to stop pretending that it isn't happening. They know damn well that it is.
Left foreground:Aluminum foil skull cap lined with magnetic material which fits nicely under a hat.
Left background: In the background is a homemade deflector which is only marginally useful for
helping to find the direction from which the waves are being beamed.
Center: The aluminum helmet, made from a turkey baster, can be covered with a beanie in
order to make it a little less conspicuous. A beanie can be worn underneath to
make it fit better, though it gets warm in the summertime.
Right foreground: The magnets are inexpensive and available at any arts and crafts store.
Right background: The more magnets the merrier, this design uses common refrigerator
magnets made of soft material taped inside an aluminum skull cap and tucked into a beanie.
About the author: As a private investigator, Paul J. Norton (that's me) has been investigating MKULTRA for Congress and for the U.S. Military, Special Operations Command (SOCOM), since 1987.


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