Saturday, June 9, 2007

Must Not Have Been A Good Day to Die

Must not have been:

A Good Day to Die

Well, concerning my last entry, Yreka is not dead, and neither am I.

Whatever they sprayed us with had a sort of psychotropic quality to it. Likely, it was the combination of the chemicals, no sleep, and e-weapons that put me to bed thinking, well this might be for the last time. It all amounts to assault with a deadly weapon. George Herbert Walker Bush put me in fear for my life with his unmarked Nazi aircraft. That means I could have legally shot back in self defense. Now if only I was in charge of Civil Defense and had some anti aircraft weapons.

Anyway, coffee's on, the day looks overcast in a natural looking way, and it might be, or some combination of clouds up there, who can tell?

A short look at the media tells me that they're talking complete mind control nonsense again. The Nazis evidently hate my journal. That's alright, they hated Ann Frank as well. Die or not, be a Nazi mind slave I won't. Ever.



Anonymous said...

You got to share this info with the rest of Yreka! At the Yreka Talks! group you can reach concerned citizens of Yreka and tell them what is going on. We talk about local police and government coverups all the time but this goes a step above. Please go to:
and check it out.

Yreka Talks! Moderator

Anonymous said...

Dear Yreka Talks Moderator,

Thanks for writing in! Really I don't know much more about chemtrails than whatever I'm presenting here, and since as you say, my problems are on a more national level, the best that I can suggest is that you yourselves do a little researching into the phenomena. I myself would be of very little help, but please feel free to refer them to this article.

After that I hope people make their own observations. There weren't any chemtrails up there today (though I, at least, was having other problems) but I think that it should be a public outrage, based upon what know. The problem is that just like everyone else in the matter of chemtrails, what I can actually prove is another thing. But I'm certainly glad that you agree that people should, at the very least, be asking questions.

Thanks again for writing in, and my best to all of the good citizens of Yreka. I love it here. They would probably know much more how to proceed than I would, but I might suggest, if I may, that the citizens make a copy of my open letter to congressman Dennis Kucinich, attach their own comments about the chemtrails, and send it along. He authored a bill that would have made chemtrails an illegal "exotic weapon", the Space Preservation Act.

If I can get his attention, I would be happy to further express the concerns of Yreka Talks to congress.

Contact me anytime.


Paul J. Norton

PS: The open letter can be retrived by clicking on the archive icon at the top of the page if it doesn't appear in the ten most recent entries.