Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Torture and Mind Control in Yreka

Further Developments from the Electronic Gulag
Yreka, California
Over the last month and a half I began to experiment with defensive apparatus out of sheer necessity. I was being tortured all of the time, except when they would sometimes allow me to sleep for two to three hours, ala Abu Gharib.
What is becoming apparent to me is that they employ a wide range of weaponry as well as strategy and tactics, ostensibly in order to keep people guessing and to compensate for any sorts of limitations that they might run into.
It's been an ongoing struggle for me to see my mother, who has cancer,  twice a week, because they know that this means more to me than most anything else in the world and believe, apparently, that if they can deny me my visits that I will become their Nazi mind slave, but I will have none of it, even though I do loose this valuable time with my own mother.
With each new break through comes some other test of my metal. Yesterday, I canceled my cable television because I had found great relief by removing the cable wire from the television and pulling the plug from the wall which I had done the day before. That allowed me to have two good nights sleep.
But now they have moved to more local access with which to keep me up at night. Last night I began to experience sensations which are part of a body language code that MKULTRA teaches you first when they're pretending to make you a media analyst. But once you know that code, that body language, they can then use it to send their torturous messages to you. I suppose that it also has subliminal implications for those who don't know the code.
Now I am routinely experiencing burning, stinging, crawling and itching sensations of the skin, a condition known to be related to chemtrails. Last night as I attempted to sleep, knowing that I had somewhere to be the next day, they began to give me these sensations in order to sleep deprive me. At first I didn't know why this was working so well for them while I was sleeping in mydefensive gear, aluminum lined hat with magnets and magnet earplugs (the helmet is a little uncomfortable for sleep), but then I believe that I found the answer when I walked outside for fresh air. Overhead there was a very slow flying plane, apparently it was a SOLO plane. So that in the absence of any great deal of electromagnetic activity in my home, they must now beam that energy in more directly.
It's become my operating theory that the space based weapons only direct and manipulate, and employ the electromagnetic waves in our homes, and our cable television is a huge culprit in emitting those electromagnetic waves. In their absence, they apparently go to other means. You won't even have to go to the Project SOLO link provided in the blog in order to understand if you've seen their military apparatus on the History Channel, devices capable of causing fully grown soldiers to leap out of the way of the incoming beam. But they're only showing you the weak stuff.
These SOLO planes are quite often found accompanying the chemtrail planes in this hostile bid to take over the minds of Americans and folks overseas, and to torture people remotely for non compliance. As was pointed out in an article posted on this blog yesterday, it's becoming all too apparent that the chemtrails are making our air and our surroundings more accommodating for such heinous crimes against humanity.
If you're of the set that enjoys snickering at people who wear aluminum hats and worry about chemtrails, or mind control, you'd better think again. This illegal radiation and chemical bombardment is far from safe, these things are known to produce real diseases, and real people die from them, and it could be you or someone that you love next.
There needs to be a public outcry concerning this outrage, I hope that you will tell everyone that you know, and take time to write your congressperson. Once again, if you should decide to write congress, you are invited to attach with your own letter, a copy of my open letter to Rep. Dennis Kucinich available from the archives. My letter is going to Kucinich because of hisinterest and his position in these exotic weapons. He authored The Space Preservation Act, a bill that would have banned the use of these secret weapons entirely had it passed. Today I read, but have not confirmed, that similar measures, or perhaps the same measures, are now being debated in congress. They need to hear from the victims of these weapons, their constituents.
In my open letter I am offering to go to congress and answer questions about my twenty years of active investigation into MKULTRA, bio-electromagnetic weapons, and whatever else that I have learned regarding this conspiracy to mind control America and every other nation. This is not a joke. And it's nothing that I take lightly, there have been cases where such witnesses never made it to congress because they ended up dead before they could get there. 
My name is Paul J. Norton, and I live in Yreka, California.  
For further information about Aerial mind control:
To print out or send a copy of my open letter to congress via e-mail:

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