Evidence differs from proof, of course. Evidence simply suggests that something may in fact be true, whereas proof removes all doubt. As an analyst, most of the work revolves around the former. What does the evidence suggest, is the always question. In that regard it's much like any other science. First we have a hypothesis. If there is adequate evidence in order to make it compelling, it becomes theory. All of this because it's always very helpful to understand what's going on long before all of the facts can be obtained. If you wait for hard proof, often you've waited too long in the world of intelligence matters.
So, at any given time I have understandings which would fall under one or another category of hypothesis, theory or proven fact. Sometimes success comes from knowing where to start looking, which is the function of any hypothesis. There are a lot of things which I've heard over the years, things which my objective nature wouldn't allow me to do any more than to file them away like so many newspaper clippings. Even then, there was no way of proving my sources, being as they were largely telepathic, and therefore beyond developing towards a solid theory which would help me towards knowing where and how to keep looking, so those bits of evidence served little immediate value in a world which rightfully has a preference for provable facts. But I realized then that ultimately, those same tidbits might end up being of enormous importance one day.
Here I'll tell you about one such theory which has consistently received more, rather than less evidence as the decades have gone by.
Apart from money, power and sex, Nazi's think about race more than anything else. The Nazi story is that exponential population growth will leave the world one day with diminishing resources for which people will have to fight wars, will do so based on skin color first and foremost, and that the Nazis wish to be well prepared for that struggle. It's always been their biggest selling point. But even as population growth begins to stabilize, there is still that it remains their biggest selling point in matters about which they have now innumerable selfish interests. Thus they wouldn't want to deprive themselves of overpopulation even if they could. Not until they rule the world. All of this begins to explain a whole host of social ills as symptoms brought about by the incestuous disease of Nazism. Eugenics, death camps, slave labor, forced sterilization, biological warfare, chemical warfare, warfare in general, poverty, world domination, mind control... All of these would be on the short list.
In practical terms this means that the Nazis have to do away with any power owned by any populace at large since they are to be ruled by a wealthy minority of white people. Perhaps the biggest challenge to such a rule would be the Constitution of the United States and it's Bill of Rights, which in the event that it could not be subverted by legal means, or by asymmetric warfare, would have to be met with direct force, that is, civil war. Because it's not easy to raise an army of experienced soldiers on the sly, it must therefore be done under false pretenses, and the soldiers must be truly mercenarial since their allegiances will be first and foremost to the powers of Big Money. There is never much room for matters of conscience where Nazis are concerned. They rightfully see human conscience as their worst enemy.
In the Nazi's long term strategy all of this will be used first to establish an empire out of which plans for world domination can be acted upon while still having adequate homeland defenses sufficient to ward off a world response. My understanding is that the Americas are seen as prime real estate for defensive purposes as well as for resources, and that Fortress Americana is the Nazi vision. Canada and Mexico complete the northern province, and South America the other half of the fortress. While the Nazis have enjoyed a lot of power, particularly in the illegal drug trade run by proxy, Chavez has appeared as an enormous thorn in their side, just as Castro has always worried them. It may come as a surprise to the western world, but Nazis worst enemy isn't capitalist democracy, it's communism. It was, after all, the Russians who really handed Hitler his butt, and sacrificed perhaps more than all the other allies combined. America, however, placed itself in the business of listening to Nazis about communism, and the Nazis simply created a problem for which no solution was necessary (think McCarthyism), and then sold us on Nazis being the solution to the non existent problem. It is not communism, socialism, democracy nor capitalism which are truly the problem, it is that at any time these may become infected with fascism, the Nazis stock and trade. That's the reality.
Ok, so I have had some hearsay sorts of evidence for all of this over the decades, and I kept it all filed away in my mind somewhere under Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (inspired by the title of a great old book that belonged to my sister), and I don't really think about it all that often until something else needs to be filed there under the section called "Evidence".
The government, most notably George Herbert Walker Bush, continues to be inexplicably concerned about Castro, and more recently, Chavez. There were election irregularities in Canada and Mexico prior to conservatives taking office there, just as there were here. An army of 127,000 mercenaries has been raised in Iraq under the control of the Industrial War Complex Ike warned us about, an industrial complex who are close friends with the CIA whom Truman regretted. George W. Bush is trying to shore up his personal relationship with both Canada and Mexico, and while the Iraq war may soon be over, our Police forces are complaining that they can't get enough bullets. Our National Guardsmen have been taken over by the federal government and our cities and towns are being sprayed with God knows what by unmarked aircraft at about the same time that the novel 1984 is seeming ever more like a book of prophecy, a warning.
Tony Blair et al seized upon the Death of Princess Di to try and turn public opinion against the royals, the Crown having long been a bastion of liberal, not conservative thinking. In keeping with what we know about MKULTRA and the entrapment and blackmail measures used under a variety of names including Project Monarch, every time you turn over a conservative stone in Washington these days there runs away yet another boy bugger or adulterer. My information, by the way, is that while in Texas George Herbert Walker Bush personally entrapped a drunken LBJ into a sexual act with a minor child who was hypnotized and trained to seduce adults, all of this occuring while under surveillance. My evidence for that is entirely telepathic, so it just remains under the heading "for what it's worth" at the moment. We do have documentation, however, that unlike just about anyone else on the planet, GHWB can't remember where he was when JFK was shot. The documentation, however, shows that right after the assassination, GHWB called somebody to announce that someone that George knew had made suspicious statements about the president (apparently later, in an effort to make it up, the same "suspect" ended up working for GHWB). That phone call was made by GHWB from Dallas on the day of the killing, and my guess is that old George quite simply panicked when people started turning over cars with Texas license plates and had to do something, anything. And so he placed the finger pointing call to make himself feel better by placing suspicion on someone else, the oldest Nazi trick in the book. He may have worried that said "suspect" knew too much.
Alright, so conspiracy theories can go on and on, but here are just a few things that might be worth considering somewhere in your own X-Files. Worth considering because I think that any reasoned mind would have to say that all of this makes a great deal more sense than your average conspiracy theory. At least it's consistent, whether you start counting government irregularities from the bottom up or from the top down. Logic itself dictates that the shortest distance between those two points, just like any others, would be a straight line. And in this case, the straight lines all point to the Bush crime syndicate and the executive branch of the United States government. To this blogger, anything else would simply be a distraction from the known facts.
there is this book... gustave lebon "the crowd"
canetti wrote "crowds and power" and there is a theme
another elias canetti link
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