Chemtrails Return
Yreka, CA- the chemtrails which had been a daily feature of life in Yreka for the last year and a half disappeared shortly after I got a new camera a few weeks ago. The photos below show the chemtrail bombardment that was primarily laid down on the other side of the hills out of view and then drifted over the city, but the last photos show new ones being added overhead. See photos below:
Yreka, CA
The above photo was taken a few hours before the chemtrails arrived. For the last few weeks there's been almost nothing but blue sky here.
Yreka, CA
Photo shows the chemtrails drifting out over the city from over the hills.
Yreka, CA
If the wind is right the trails break up slowly.
Yreka, CA
The shot above illustrates the manner in which the unknown substance has an unnatural "stringy" appearance as it begins to spread.
Yreka, CA
Picture of individual chemtrail laid down overhead.
Yreka, CA
The total effect is that the government is turning our blue skies gray with a substance that I suspect to be related to mind control, but is apparently also used to harass people who know that it's within their power to arm these plains with any deadly substance. Notice the straight line in the air as they add more trails to the substance already present.
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