Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Controlling the Net is Like Herding Cats

Making Sense of Psychopaths and Fools 


One of the most difficult aspects of investigating MKULTRA beyond it's absolute dedication to secrecy is it's abnormal psychology. Since it either enslaves or employs some of the most brilliant minds, an investigator has a tendency to believe that they're working against the smartest people in the world, and that may sometimes be true. On the other hand, the leadership has taken part in some very unnatural thinking and behaviors, and well, let's face it, you just can't make sense of a psychopath or a fool. At least, not until you realize that they are psychopaths and/or fools. At which point we do have some experience to guide us, that is, ultimately we may understand them the same way that the police understand serial killers, by profiling them.

Psychopaths live in their own worlds. So do fools, I suppose, but psychopaths believe that you and I and the rest of the universe exists for their pleasure. It's the way that serial killers, rapists and war criminals think. If that means to them that we are supposed to become slaves or bloody statistics, well, that's just what it means. To them. They simply aren't bothered by matters of conscience because they have none. At whatever level, psychopaths and fools always believe that might makes right, and whatever it is that they desire is more important than anything else in the whole world.
Now, I don't think that I should have to apologize for these psychopaths and fools for being the way that they are, it's just that until we understand what they are there is no way that a reasonable person can understand what they do. It would seem too crazy, or too foolish, well, because it is. But that doesn't stop some people. That's my point.
Psychopaths are sociopathic by nature. The truth is never the question, only the power to get whatever it is that they want done. A seasoned homicide detective would probably tell you much the same sorts of things that I'm telling you now. You just can't expect psychopaths and fools to fit into the world of reason and logic. The only way to understand them is to know something about the world that they live in. No matter how crazy or foolish such a world might seem to anyone else. So I don't expect these psychopaths and fools leading this nation to make a great deal of sense, at least apart from the very strange self serving world which is their day to day life. The one to which they've become accustomed.
Has it occurred to anyone that perhaps all of this hoo haw about tapping phones concerning overseas conversations is really all about the Internet? When our modems hook up whether by dialup, satellite or optic cable we're as good as calling overseas in most cases. Does it matter whether the overseas exchange of information was vocal or typed at some keyboard? Why? What would be the difference?
Alright, but perhaps you don't think about that you're talking to people overseas when you're on the Net, or that they may be talking to you. But I suppose that for any and all practical purposes, any spook could make the case that whether you realize it or not, that's what's happening, and they want to look through everybody's everything to find out who realizes what. We live in an age where presidential candidates are told to shut up if they know what's good for them. And these fools and psychopaths are profoundly interested in what goes on over the Net because, well, control freaks hate when anything is beyond their control. Perhaps especially anything as big as the Internet, which is giving the traditional media a real run for it's money. An information age for these control freaks is about as appealing as an ice age to a dinosaur. Trying to "frame" the debate of so much grass roots networking is about like trying to herd cats. Cats can't be told what to do, but you can entice them in one direction or another for the price of a fish. All of this pretty much explains the state of affairs on the Net, the government propagandists are typing away at their computers just as hard as anyone else, tossing fish into the heard of cats in order to create confusion, lest the cats once again believe that cats are entitled to be cats.   
MKULTRA has more word games than you can shake a stick at, and that's part of the problem. As soon as you catch on to the fact that it's a word game they change the game into something new, some new word game for you to figure out. That goes on endlessly until you begin to understand that it's all a game to psychopaths and fools. Might makes right in their eyes, and they mean to win at any cost. Especially since losing would be the death of them.
So it doesn't surprise me at all that the government wants to employ computer hackers. What's surprising is that they now have to try so hard so recruit them, just as they're having to offer up some serious cash in order to get anyone to go off to some war in which that person stands every chance of being the last American soldier to die there. But it doesn't surprise me that psychopaths and fools will do anything for the money. After all, they think that life is a game of Monopoly. What's truly a shame is that the rest of us will have to suffer because of their childish, but very brutal, Parker Brothers school of philosophy.

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