Somewhere "Out There"
Total information awareness means that the people who spy on you will know absolutely everything about you, your friends, your family, your neighbors, and your employers. Those people spying on you would be the government, our public servants. Ask yourselves if you would really want to be spied upon by your servants.
When proposals were made to gain such total access to people's private lives there was public outrage. The illegal factions of our government obviously don't feel as if they should be compelled by law to do, or to not do anything at all. They believe that they are above the law. And having already broken the law, they feel compelled to break laws ever more vigorously in order to prevent the law from prosecuting the illegal leadership of America, who now stand vulnerable to charges of war crimes, treason and even espionage. All capitol crimes calling for capitol punishment. Imagine their desperation. In for a dime, in for a dollar. After all, they can only hang you once.
Of course, a total surveillance program without oversight allows for enormous abuses. Nothing is off limits in either the government or private sectors. With such total information awareness one could rule the world, and this is precisely the power that such persons seek. The people are not safe. The government is not safe. Corporations aren't safe. And don't believe they stop at spying on phone calls and e-mails either.
Most people, I suspect, can't even imagine precisely how much power total information awareness has at any level, but I've seen it. First I saw the power that it had to destroy my life through well informed but still subtle means. Subtle is all that's necessary if your informed enough to know the weakest points in any system or support network. Later I began to see how this same total information awareness could accomplish just about anything. It begins with individuals. Target the right individuals and you've targeted whatever things for which they are responsible as well. Total information awareness not only makes it easy to break individuals or corporations, but has the power to make and break world leaders. Public outrage remains the only foe to such a dictatorship as total awareness makespossible. That dynamic is why there are at any time any number of armed conflicts around the world. Not that we would know that, because total information awareness also offers every opportunity to inform and to craft total disinformation and propaganda. Imagine it's the great debate. And your opponent has your notes weeks or months in advance. Or you're going to trial, and the prosecutor knows every detail of your defense months before hand.
No wonder there was so much public outrage regarding the total information awareness program which was proposed. But what people need to understand is that criminals will proceed without authorization. They will continue to break the law. Just as the present criminals in charge have done with everything else. This is nothing new. MKULTRA was banned by Congress in the seventies, but continues on to this very day, and supported by a vast network of total information awareness technologies which are also illegal, unconstitutional, unethical and immoral. The controversy that we're hearing about is just the tip of an enormous iceberg, I guarantee it. I know.
Please take a moment and bring this issue from out of the abstract netherworld and consider what it would be like for you if the government knew all of your secrets and those of your family, friends, neighbors and employers, and just how much power that alone would be. And I mean right down to every detail of your most intimate relationships including every minute love making statistic. Just stop for a moment and consider what enormous power that would be for any criminal, let alone for the largest and most sophisticated criminal network in the history of the world. No, I mean really take some time to think about it. The potential is so great that one could literally spend years understanding all of the implications of such a thing.
There are some mitigating forces. Public outcry. People in government who will not go silently into the night. A limit to the resources of our nameless, faceless enemies bent on home invasion robberies employing weapons that stretch our ability to even imagine them. And yet none of that is science fiction, it's science fact. The documentation is available. But the sad fact remains that people don't want to believe in things so frightening. There's a word for that. It's called denial.
Oh, sure, there are government leaders who no longer have the luxury of such personal denial. But that's very different than putting their lives on the line for speaking out about what they do know, just to be mocked, blackmailed and undermined at every turn including in all of their most personal matters for having addressed the implications of scientific fact. People can continue to believe that bio-electromagnetic weapons won't effect them, they can continue to live in a state of denial, but nothing about such denial would be logical, or reasonable given the facts available to us. Why would illegal surveillance stop at e-mails and phone taps? Go ahead. Give me one good reason.
Mind control is not a joke, it's very real. People don't just imagine black helicopters any more than they imagine pink elephants. Is aluminum really a symptom of mental illness? Why not plastic? You can bet that at any given time there are any number of propagandists working on making reality seem laughable. And for mind control victims like me, that becomes the cruelest joke of all.
Sure. Call me "Investigator Moonbeam." Call me "Part of the tinfoil hat set." Go ahead and say that I'm "Out there." The fact is that I have enough documented proof to raise every red flag in the world, and you have... laughter. Ever so slowly the tide has turned. It's no longer the "weirdos" who are operating on sheer belief. But if you're not concerned about the facts you're simply unaware of them. Or part of the vast right wing conspiracy which plans to profit from it's criminal enterprise. From laughing at the facts.
Make no mistake about it, this game is for all the marbles, including your own. And anyone not paying attention to the facts may have already lost a few.
MKULTRA and total information awareness are intrinsically linked in the government's secret underworld of illegal activities. There aren't any separate departments for such criminality, for the criminals in charge, assets are assets. And consider this about the government's torture manuals. Complete invasion of privacy coupled with sexual humiliation, just for starters. Total information awareness. And mind control.
The only reason that they would have offered such a program of total information awareness is in an attempt to legitimize something already in place. But I guessyou can go ahead and laugh if you want to. So far, there's no law against that. That's alright, they laughed at Galileo too. He was really somewhere "out there".
Tags: Bush, Cheney, Impeach, Illegal Surveillance, MKULTRA, NWO, Nazi, Conspiracy, Gonzales, GOP, Mind Control, Politics, News, Government, Psychology, Torture, Civil Rights, Human Rights, Antiwar, DNC, Constitution
I'm not laughing! I put absolutely NOTHING past any of them!
I guess that makes me a weirdo. I really don't care if it does because at least I'm willing to see things for the way they are! Not that it does any good, but, I feel better for it.
Yes, the only reason it is getting worse in America, with mind control, spying, etc, and believe me it will get worse. The country reeps what it sows. Now the holocast is in America, moved from Nazi Germany, right onto America itself, yes the holacaust, worse the Nazi Germany, right here in Amerca. Our country has allowed almost, 10,000,000 murders, since 1972, our country has turned it's back on the innocent, the mother's commit the great democatic sin, they distroy their own, right out of their womb, never once does anyone speak of the unborn. or injected with a soluction that burns it. Then is dumped in a cooler in the back of the psyho killer clinic, than when there are enough dead babies, is sold to labs, to be experimented on.
No wonder there is no cure for cancer, no cure for aides, the music sucks, because they're all dead. A whole society of people gone, what would have been future Presidents, inventors, solutions to the border problem, to the Gaza Strip, problems, music problems. But their all dead, at the hands of their own mother's in the name of democracy, basically ask anyone of them they will tell you they are a democrat, because that just sounds so cool. As Spilberg, stands up and accepts an innopproiate award for Shindlers list, a poor sympathic movie about the poor Jews, Christians and Homos, that were killed at the hands of the Nazis, while he most likeley (Not Sure) just a hunch, would give to the womans movement, which nowodays are just a bunch of woman who want to be men, and have tomuch tetostorone in their bodies, and push for the killing of the unborn. Nobody wants to ever face the truth, they just want to fit in, and now if you are not a democrat, you do not fit it. And you are not cool, as for mind control, well my friends the gates of hell will not prevail, againt the church of Jesus Christ. Only one thing is true, th
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