Investigations and Analysis
Part Three of Three
Imagine how far we've come from those early days of my investigation in 1987, where now synthetic telepathy, electromagnetic mind control, remote viewing and the like are accepted as well documented facts of life, even if the details remain buried under layers of secrecy. Similarly, an immediate connection between the CIA and media affairs was unknown then, but now revealed in recently declassified information. All of that would have strained credibility all the more prior to these programs having been brought to light. Even so, so much of my story seems so incredible and without serious ubstantiation that I would be at the mercy of critics for offering it. And so when I do, I make sure that I acknowledge the fact that it is unsubstantiated, and simply the matter of my experience, however one may choose to interpret it. I hope that some remainder of the noise that I made in those early days can be recalled by other witnesses willing to come forward, that, however, is completely out of my hands.
On the whole, I suppose that, on the one hand the results of my investigation are simply apparent, that is that they become obvious to the naked eye when enough details are known. On the other hand, it is epistemological as well, attempting to embrace what can be known of the human mind or it's relationships once the telepathic barrier has been breached, whether naturally or by science. That territory not only becomes as vast as a single human mind and all of it's psychology, but also must by necessity realize the difference between that and a single mind that has a relationship with minds that enter directly in, whether friendly or hostile, whether telepathic, trauma based or programmed. And that becomes evidenced over time in what people say that they will do and what they actually will do, or not do, though one must also bear in mind appearances that exist for purely political reasons, which in turn means one gets to know such landscapes in the same way one gets to know anyone, or anything. Slowly.
From my view I was expecting them, MKULTRA. From their view, I suppose, what happened was a case of blowback, where I was an operation that backfired. Not only would I not die, I would not stop resisting or, finally, fighting them. It's not like I had many options because they kept cornering me anyway. When I think about my case, and how it must sound, I think that I should explain that sometimes people do brave things, not because they are being brave, but rather because it was the only smart thing to do. Anything else would have been, well, simply panic.
The other parts of my story are admittedly more fantastic, and would be difficult for me to prove. Among them, that much of all of this seems to have begun due to a secret prohibition from alien contact, which has the dual purpose of investigating same, and if possible, exploiting it. It evidently explains NASA's involvement as well as the NSA/CIA involvement. As well as subtle nods from the president, congress, and
Interpol, mostly through the television media. Hopefully someone saved a tape of their side of the NASA conversation. Or the other events of my life which were secretly televised in the same manner that they did with Rick Nelson. It is also difficult for me to describe a counter conspiracy that involve networking through alien resources. Proving that would be up to the aliens, and would be tantamount to the same aforementioned secretly prohibited alien contact, which if it actually ever occurred, could conceivably yield massive amounts of evidence. But as I said, that's not up to me any more would be any other witnesses that might come forward when congress opens subsequent investigations.
End Part Three of Three
n$a in the "none such agency" 1950s
was joined together with n@sa. the 60s
are a seperation equal to the army/air*force
becoming the air force. nasa goes one way,
none-such goes its own way. cia operatives
are often cloaked under and inside our state dep't when
overseas. this is the why of the covert...
had these thoughts when reading thy parts 1,2 + 3...
The lines certainly seem to blur considerably somewhere near the top of the executive branch, or whatever lies just behind it. It makes sense to me that NASA runs the programs necessary for the NSA to operate, but that the NSA is actually in charge of all classifications. The CIA would be reliant on the NSA for information. Both of those agencies depend on NASA for much of what they do, at least ever since SDI. I think that the NSA and NASA both have a stake in secretly prohibiting alien contact, as well as many others.
This is blowing me so far away,I thinkI have finally found someone who understands, but could this all be a trick, help
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