Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bush's War on Children

Bush Uses Children as Human Shield
Message received loud and clear. While a secret grand jury is looking into organized pedophilia which extends all the way to deep within the White House (See Franklin Cover up) Bush let's us know that he will work against children in every other way, essentially holding them hostage to his own self serving interests. Bush is using children world wide as his own human shield. That's why there have been so many children apparently deliberately targeted and killed, which became really obvious in the Israeli rapist's war against Lebanon.
There simply can be no other reason that Bush would tell the surgeon general to skip the Special Olympics and to not allow children more health coverage. No child left behind must mean that he will exploit them all.
Psychologically, these people probably hate children that have had normal childhoods, and see all people as mere barn animals to be exploited for whatever they're worth to persons without conscience.
The solution is clear. We must never give in to the Bush terrorists. And we must make this war about the children our own. It's time to get on one side or the other, either we stand for or against the children. You can never, ever hope that anything good will come from appeasing Nazis (see Bush Nazi family history in Links). 
Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of the children.
Please note that there are other reasons not to want to hike taxes on cigarettes. It's mostly a tax on poor and disabled people who smoke more and can afford less. Let the rich start paying their share in taxes again, stop funding covert pedophile rings and war crimes instead of making the poor people poorer for a change. When Clinton was in office the national debt plummeted and the budget became balanced because Big Oil was forced to keep it's agreements with the people to pay back some money for using our natural resources. And look at the budget now. Fiscal responsibility my eye.
They want the nations poor to pay for child health care while they suck up all of the government gravy. But what they really want us to know is that they don't support or defend children at all whenever we do. They want us to know that if we care about kids, it will go hard on kids. That's typical of Nazis and MKULTRA.

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