Wednesday, July 4, 2007

MKULTRA: Investigations and Analysis Part Two


Investigations and Analysis

Part Two of Three

The appearance of NASA in my life in 1987 was a televised event, and was apparently live. I was so badly traumatized that I don't even recall the talk show or the station, but I was informed that NASA could help me, and that the reason that all of this was happening to me was because I was gifted. They introduced a woman who they said was a psychic from NASA who began asking me questions. At the same time a
voice in my head began to explain that the exchange would take time, that the airtime was expensive, and that I should try to answer as quickly as I could, even if the matter was all very important. From the time of my answer to receiving an acknowledgment and a new question about a full minute seemed to elapse. Which meant that this program was very unusual, first in that it spoke to someone in particular, secondly that there was so much time in between questions and answers where everyone sat silently during the
process. The upshot of the whole dialog was simply that I wanted to die, but had a chance to become one of these NASA psychics or something to that effect, which seemed the better prospect at the time. The other discussion with the voices in my head that were advising me as to what this procedure entailed such as the lag time, had to do with my decisions.

Ok, I said, I would answer the questions, but because I was pressed for time I reserved the right to change my answers. Alright, I'll volunteer for mind control research, but first I want to be shown more about what it's like and what we'll be doing. And it was about at that point that the NASA psychic began to ask me to just speak to them, that I had something to say, and whatever it was would just sort of come to the surface. And so I did. I announced that the press was not free and had not been free for a very long time, and that I was going to investigate mind control as a private investigator for Congress. And that I expected all relevant parties to be informed of the fact, including the president, congress, (I think the Justice Department) the media outlets and Interpol. And that I expected some sort of confirmation that this had in fact been done. We agreed on the manner of confirmation, sorts of anomalousmedia occurrences involving the president, congress, the media, and people from around the world. It all sounds incredible, I know, but that works for me as well as against me because, as they say, you just can't make this stuff up. I wanted to be a psychologist. I ended up being a
gardener. And then all of this?

At this point you might be wondering why I gave the answers that I did, why I seemed to know just what I was doing even though I was traumatized and faced with what were, perhaps, the most unusual circumstances imaginable. A question that is fair enough, to be sure, but in order to answer it I would have to speak to the uncharted waters of psychic phenomena which I had been exploring since childhood. I realized early on that for purposes of my investigation, I would have to learn to categorize whatever information I received in such a way that the final analysis included at least one category devoted to
rationality, that is, there would have to be a category of known facts, a category of yet unproven facts, but likely to be substantiated, a category that included all things theoretical, and a category about every sort of working hypothesis, whether well formed or simply in process. That leaves us with an analysis of  what I believe, what I know, and what I can prove. That's the most important analysis by far, because I had to show results that were not only compelling, but substantive. Of course, it's most often impractical to present the story in too many different ways, and so I most often simply try to quantify and qualify my statements as much as possible as I go along. In that regard, I rather consider my testimony as an investigator both more compelling and substantive than the witness to the Church Committee whose testimony was a huge factor in the eventual banning of MKULTRA. That witness was a victim, and didn't deliberately start out to investigate MKULTRA such as I did. 

Here I should note that it is unlikely that the CIA has kept a great many records about MKULTRA since that time of being banned by Congress, but that records are likely to be kept by parties outside of official CIA channels, and that search warrants for parties suspected of participation in MKULTRA might prove to yield greater results, though the NSA, CIA and NASA should also be thoroughly investigated for any records that might have been kept concerning matters of mind control under any working titles. My understanding is that a great bulk of information comes first through the NSA and then is filtered to other agencies, surveillance which facilitates MKULTRA operations. This also seems to somewhat explain this administrations efforts to continue it's illegal surveillance activities as a necessary component for all things mind control, and I believe that the major conspirators, including foreign nationals brought to this nation under Operation Paperclip to have very close ties to the NSA, and to daily be receiving of this nations
most classified information. It would almost not be possible for them to do what they do in any other way, and makes sense that the foremost experts in matters of mind control are these same foreign nationals, to wit, former Nazi SS and possibly Nazi SA officers and or associates. 

Having said all of this, I'd like to take a moment to address psychic phenomena in the way that I understand it, which is no doubt much different from the way that it is popularly conceived. First, I've been told that NASA psychics aren't perfect, they just score higher than average. The average NASA psychic was said to be correct about 75% of the time, and I suppose that by running things by any number of them they come up with consensus as to what is most likely concerning their analysis of events, whether that is based upon their simple sensitivity to matters, or more direct telepathy or remote viewing skills. I was told that I scored better than average at about an 85% success rate. That leaves plenty of room for error, but perhaps the reader should also understand that psychic ability is a sometimes phenomena. It's not like Superman's x-ray vision or anything of the sort, but is more like an event, and scores may vary wildly, partly depending on circumstances and the state of mind of the psychic. Even all of this is highly uncertain as we begin to consider other variables such as telepathic contact between individuals. And about all of this, I have come to believe that much of what we currently view as psychosis is simply a very confused state of affairs concerning psychic phenomena, not only due to common misperceptions, but also because the waters are
purposefully muddied by the NSA and it's influence over the field of psychiatry in order to prevent further uncontrolled developments in psychic phenomena, or to prevent witnesses from revealing too much.

End Part Two of Three


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