Sunday, July 1, 2007

Hello Everyone

Hello Everyone,
Ended up with some computer problems, so haven't posted for the last couple of weeks. My apologies to anyone who might have been waiting for more of The Mindstorm Chronicles, it may take a few days to get back up to speed here. Everything else is much the same, chemtrails over Yreka, EH, the usual thing. Some unusual things that we might discuss later. Good to be up and running.


Anonymous said...

Gald you're back!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Moomooluv, it's good to be here.


Anonymous said...


am glad you fumigated the viruses
and gremlins from thy harddrive!
am very glad you are back online!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks enigmatickytzwyt,

Still have some bugs to work out, it's the same symptoms as two other mc survivors at UnknownCountry experienced, had to boot from a disc.  

Some interesting things happened in those 11 days off. But I'll have to go into that later.
