Sunday, October 7, 2007

Letter to Carter Center

The following is a copy of the e-mail that I sent earlier today to the Carter Center. Anyone interested is invited to send a copy to the Carter Center to help ensure it's arrival, or a copy to their representative in Congress letting them know that they should hear from mind control victims. 
Tony Clark
Jimmy Carter Center
Office of Public Affairs
Paul J. Norton
<Address Redacted>
Dear Mr. Clark,
It has come to my attention that you have an interest in hearing from individuals who have been targeted with direct energy mind control technologies, I am such an individual and have suffered from both these weapons and illegal surveillance for twenty plus years. The persons who are behind this grievous violation of my rights, civil and human, have repeatedly attempted to keep me from disclosing to anyone either the nature or the details of these abuses.  
In an attempt to raise public and governmental awareness I have published a blog which contains much of my individual story, please see the earliest articles if you are interested in those specifics. At my blog I have published an open letter to Congress stating that I would be willing to testify  to Congress under oath. The duration of my victimization would, conceivably, make me something of an expert witness.
Allow me also to take this opportunity to thank you for your work on behalf of the many victims of these dark technologies.
The aforementioned blog may be found here:
If for any reason you would like to contact me by phone, my number is <redacted>. If you should find that my line is frequently busy please be advised that I have only one phone line and spend a lot of time online. It may be more convenient for you to arrange a time to call via e-mail.
Very Truly Yours,
Paul J. Norton
<e-mail redacted>


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


 i hope they reply very soon!
you were quiet, so i am glad
to see you are blogging again!