Poor Man's War
Neither the direct energy weapons or the chemtrails have abated entirely, although they have changed somewhat as of late, having become noticeably less aggressive in both fronts of this illegal psychological war against yours truly.
The chemtrails still appear on those rare days when I actually go to my mother's or do my monthly shopping, or even when I go to the corner store, and seem to be careful to fly precisely over the route that I intend to take and over my destination. On other days the entire sky becomes filled with chemtrails, particularly if I have posted to this blog, appearing the same day or the next day depending upon when I post.
The chemtrails began to appear right after I had posted for the first time to Unkowncountry.com, several months after I first arrived in Yreka. When I first saw them on the way to the library I saw three planes side by side coming over the horizon with trails, and for one mad moment I thought that it was a missile launch and that Yreka was toast.
Below is one of the more interesting chemtrail shots I've taken out of hundreds. Rarely do they make this pattern:
Tags: Bush, Cheney, Nazi, NSA, CIA, MKULTRA, Mind Control, Chemtrails, Direct Energy Weapons
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