Alien Contact, 9/11 and MKULTRA
Probably the single most important thing to our national security are whistle blowers. If it hadn't been for people like General Smedley Butler who exposed Prescott Bush's Nazi Industrialist war on America we very well might have lost this democracy long ago. But then, whistle blowers who go unheard will amount to little, and this is one of the reasons that our founding fathers guaranteed us the right to free speech and a right to a free press. It has been my conviction that the press in this country hasn't been free for a very long time. In fact, that's one of the first statements I made to the press, to NASA, the CIA, Congress and Interpol when I began my own investigation into MKULTRA in 1987. Little has changed since then concerning mass media. What has changed is that the Internet grew up in it's place.
After a UK mainstream publication recently broke Sibel Edmond's story it went global and was seen on headlines around the world. Conspicuously, however, it didn't appear in America for quite some time but now it finally has.
Valerie Plame's story and that of Sibel Edmonds fascinate and excite me because in my view we have all seen various tips of precisely the same iceberg. Since their stories are already fairly well known (developments about Edmund's story are available from I'm going to skip to an analysis that I was working on earlier.
The question is why would anyone sell nuclear weapons technology out of this nation's backdoor to foreign entities and for such relatively small sums of money? What makes sense to me is that some persons high up in the government wanted particular nations to have WMD's for the same reason that they would have wanted to plant WMD's in Iraq. They were caught by Plame, and so had to settle with manufactured evidence so as to take the country to war under false pretenses. But if they could have, they would have given Iraq WMD's so that it all appeared to be a legitimate invasion. The same motive could well be present for these other activities. Bear with me because this will take a little explaining.
There is no real Strategic Defense Initiative ballistic missile shield, even though this was the cover story about SDI sold to the American public. If there were really a ballistic missile shield, why couldn't they shoot down satellites falling from space using the ABM shield rather than having to deploy a missile from the planet surface? It's because no such ABM shield exists. All of the talk about shooting down incoming nuclear missiles was simply to cover up the true nature of SDI being all about direct energy weapons. Here the story must be that they could control the persons with the WMD's from space and so prevent a launch. It also means, however, that they could eventually control entire governments or individuals of any type illegally. The potential for abuse was so high as to make it irresistible, a virtual certainty, and as the evidence mounted that these weapons were not only being used illegally, but had been dovetailed with the program banned by Congress commonly referred to as MKULTRA, there was every reason for these same criminals to create ongoing threats to the world, from which they could then "protect" us in order to justify their existence. It would also give these same persons the excuse to invade these same nations to whom they had distributed WMD's while at the same time knowing that they had the means to contain the threat illegally, thereby precipitating a theoretical need for the illegal mind control program, the illegal technologies, the illegal cover ups, and to manipulate world events in order to "justify" their continued wars of aggression. Even worse, I wouldn't doubt that there have been contingency plans that would have allowed a nuclear first strike upon such nations, and that getting America to accept the idea of pre-emptive war would have facilitated this extreme tactic should it become necessary or practical down the road somewhere. Did I mention that these people are insane? Mind control is the worst sort of incestuous thinking. Essentially it's about psychopaths creating psychopaths for fun and profit.
All of this would explain much more than 9/11 which happened just about the time Kucinich's Space Preservation Act was being introduced to Congress which would have banned exotic weapons. It would also explain why China tested a satellite killing missile, and why China and Russia have called for a space weapons treaty. They know that, just like my life, just like my own government, their nations are being invaded by these technologies and the people who are in charge of them. The Executive Branch. The NSA, the CIA and NASA are all supposed be overseen by the president, but the reality is that so much power will overcome presidents as they come into the White House unaware of precisely how powerful MKULTRA and SDI have become. But since there was an effort to ban these technologies along with the already banned mind control program, in a last act of desperation the individuals who had fomented this plot concocted another one; To overthrow the elected form of government of the United States of America and it's Constitution so that they could simultaneously avoid prosecution and retain the extraordinary powers that they, the Industrialists, had acquired. Since that plot is failing them, thanks to a grand counter conspiracy and the efforts of honest Americans everywhere, they're presently hoping for a future president who will at the very least give them clemency once they've been investigated and tried for treason and espionage. That's why they made sure Kucinich's campaign went nowhere, and in view of McCain's poor showing, why they're increasingly backing Clinton, who lived for years in the same White House which is daily bombarded with electromagnetic and microwave energy as well as having been placed under illegal surveillance. Just like they do with me, they'd know whenever someone in the White House farted. It seems likely then, that they would eventually implode another Clinton presidency just like they did the last one, if and when they could, so as to hand power back over to their republican friends. Probably after clemency was declared or the investigations called off if the future president agreed that such misbegotten technologies and programs were necessary to national security. This would also explain the cozy relationship between the Clinton's and the Bush's, that they had for one reason or another conspired to keep the illegal programs running. To be fair, it might simply have been that the Clinton's were subjected to so much mind control that they simply couldn't stand up to the elder Bush and Company, that they simply gave in to the terrorism or the blackmail.
Again I'd have to explain some very extraordinary circumstances here in order to make the picture complete. The direct energy weapons face an alien challenge in space, though they've been tolerated to a degree by the aliens since the weapons were allowed by Congress to be developed and deployed, and this presented certain legal and political challenges for the aliens, though they could at any time disallow their use since they can easily trump earth's level of technology and simply turn off the weapons. It was also that the aliens had quite a job to do to ensure that they could control our enemies' ability to use WMD's on innocents in retaliation for turning off the direct energy weapons.
The aliens have been instrumental in making sure that certain persons were kept safe from these weapons and from plots formulated by the Industrialist conspiracy. The aliens, in fact, have superior surveillance and methods with which to keep persons safe. The problem was essentially that turning the weapons off could have been construed as an act of war, not that the CIA et al haven't already committed acts of war upon aliens. This explains why neither Kucinich or I are dead, and why the Industrialist conspiracy has been prevented from completing it's plans. I know. It's a lot to believe, a lot to wrap one's mind around, that aliens are involved in our world in such ways, but that's my experience. And how it's been that I've managed to stay alive all of these years. Actually, it's also why I decided to investigate MKULTRA, I had a hand to play that the Industrialists simply didn't understand. The rest has all been about complex high stakes power struggles.
Here's something that I neglected to mention before; Because the aliens have synthetic telepathy it was possible for me to communicate with virtually anyone. When I turned 18 in 1973 I advised Military intelligence that I would one day undertake this mission to investigate MKULTRA, but I didn't know when. I had to remain low profile, and in the mid 1990's I began to advise Special Operations Command (per alien input), the same unit that discovered parts of the 9/11 plot in advance, but who were shut down and ordered to destroy the evidence that they had collected pursuant to the leads we had been given.
Well, now that Edmund's story is finally reaching the mainstream press, it seems likely that the world will one day get around to me. As far as proving my story, well, we could begin with the aliens as witnesses to all of this. Would that help?
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