Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2007 Year End Update, MKULTRA, the CIA and Alien Contact

The Bottom Line
Some of you may never have heard my entire story, much of which has already been presented in this journal. If it were up to the government you would never have heard of me at all.
My name is Paul J. Norton. I began officially investigating MKULTRA for Congress in 1987. Thereafter I faced a number of murder attempts, a great many death threats and plots against me which destroyed my life. I lost two businesses, my family, my health and my sanity. Nevertheless I can still reason out this mind control thing better than most anyone that I've ever met. The reason for that is that I've known many of the hard facts more personally and longer than anyone else and have had much more time to think about them. And I thought about them very hard and very long because thinking defensively was my only real means of survival, there isn't much else one can do when a psychological war is being waged against them by their government. 
The last three years of my life have been particularly difficult. In 2004 they tried to have some parole violators do away with me in the home for disabled people that I lived in. I contacted authorities and rode it out until I was forced out of the home by the parole violator, a gang banger who was smuggling drugs hidden in puppies across the border in an official county van. When the parolee violated his parole by assaulting one of the patients and started to gang bang our home by moving in other parole violators, unknown to him, I went public. After that all hell began to break loose.
The direct energy weapons were being used against me during that time, mostly in concert with the parole violators (MKULTRA ran extensive "experiments" in prisons, essentially creating much of their secret structure between prison gangs for CIA purposes). But after that they began to assault me directly with the exotic weapons and I have been tortured psychologically every day and night ever since over these last three and a half years. This because I became a person who "knew too much", but they were also somewhat constrained by the fact that I was also a person known to then President Reagan, Congress, the Justice Department and to Interpol. I had announced my then voluntary entrance into mind control experiments to everyone as a means of insurance. But at that time I simply had no way of knowing the extent of MKULTRA's power and influence over this nation. Neither did anyone else including most of the CIA. But indeed it could be described as a "vast right wing conspiracy" and it is headed by German national Nazi's who were imported to this country through Operation Paperclip shortly after WWII, and headed now also by their disciples, one of whom is George Herbert Walker Bush, a name that keeps surfacing among mind control victims no matter how fragmented their stories and their minds have become.
Over the last three years I've experienced first hand what direct energy weapons can do to the human mind. Voice to skull, sensations including pain, mood swings, hypnotic suggestion, dream manipulation, sleep deprivation, isolation and constant illegal surveillance are among them. It's little wonder that I have lost my sanity. The only reason that I managed to remain rational and reasonable at all was that I knew what was happening to me. I understood, both from my previous experience in psychology and from my extensive experience with mind control the sought after value in creating multiple personalities within people. It isn't simply an abnormal psychology, it is an extreme psychology capable of handling extreme situations. In fact, that altogether describes the nature of MPD/DID. The most extreme of these personalities are referred to as Deltas because they are trained to face life and death situations such as assassinations or incursions behind enemy lines like the well known "Phoenix Program" during the Viet Nam war.
The human mind simply finds ways of surviving psychological trauma and/or extraordinary stress. Multiple personalities help to carry the extreme burdens placed on an individual. I suppose that what has happened to me is really not all that unusual for mind control victims. They explored and attempted to program me with alter egos as they found them, but only when my life was in dire jeopardy did they became full blown alter personalities with histories of their own but who were highly functional in keeping me alive during the time of their appearance. There were a few in the beginning but eventually too many to keep track of them all. As common as all of that might be to MPD/DID, I did retain one potent advantage. I saw this coming and so could to some extent control my breakdown in far more orderly fashion, even designing, to some extent, the way in which my alter system operates. I understood that some people are destroyed by mind control, other persons, operatives, are made through mind control. The first thing that I did when I suspected that all of this was coming was to appoint an executive alter personality who would never allow me to do anything that I wouldn't ordinarily do. The second thing I did was to appoint an alter personality to both observe and to remember everything about my experience.
When I was first taken into MKULTRA I had sustained so much very heavy psychological and emotional damage that I had become morbidly depressed, and was told that as an alternative to self destruction mind control could help me want to live again. I was not told initially that MKULTRA had caused my troubles in the first place, essentially they were manipulating me to believe that they were the good guys, it was a sort of "good cop bad cop" ploy. Upon entering into the mind control program I was mind controlled to forget the trauma, and to feel as though any remembrance of it would cause me to self destruct, but in this way also conveniently hiding the fact that it had been MKULTRA all along who had caused the events which lead to my traumatization. It wasn't until six years later in 1993 that I faced one of the hardest challenges in all of my life, which was to remember everything, including all of the trauma they had caused me. Waking up to all of that quite nearly killed me. It was necessary, however, because MKULTRA was still after me and I needed to understand how and why. The only way out of MKULTRA is either to die or to continue to be of some value to them. One is never left to know to much and to be free of them because it could potentially expose everything about MKULTRA. But then, that's precisely what I had set out to do. I have no doubt but that I've remained under illegal surveillance since 1987, and that they have continued to manipulate my life in ways subtle and overt in order to stop what they must have been sure would happen eventually, that I would be able to recall what had happened, what they did and how they did it. The why of it was easy enough to understand. The Operation Paperclip German nationals known to us as Nazi's never stopped being our enemies. The CIA was formed so as to exploit them but due to the support of our other old enemies, the Prescott Bush Industrialist conspiracy, the German Nazi nationals eventually managed to take over the CIA employing George Herbert Walker Bush as their Manchurian candidate with which to do so. George H.W. Bush gave them an aura of respectability and a public face to put on things. It's how they eventually entered so heavily into the political and intelligence arena. Via politics, they managed to remove the checks and balances in the intelligence community by placing the CIA in charge of all other American intelligence agencies. At that point, the Executive branch was no longer co-equal, but rather it retained a decided advantage in everything. In essence, the CIA became the only eyes and ears left to America and even Congress was forced to rely on their opinions as the actual sole authority in intelligence estimates, the situation that eventually led to the Iraq war. Differing opinions only appear in the intelligence estimates as decided by the CIA.
One should understand that MKULTRA's early success came from a string of assassinations and concurrent death threats to public officials. It began with the assassination of JFK, and came to include the killing of Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., John Lennon and many others. When President Ronald Reagan sought to investigate the matter of MIA's and POW's independently, and about which Ross Perot had discovered a drug connection to Viet Nam, Bush tried to  have Reagan assassinated, which would have also left the then Vice President Bush to be president. The result, however, was simply that the office of the presidency had been compromised. Reagan had to work cautiously with the CIA for the rest of his time in office. The mind control victim who was manipulated to attempt the murder of Reagan was also left with a subtle warning for the media to steer clear of controversy which explains his bizarre statement about having attempted the assassination in order to gain the attention of a media celebrity. It was during Reagan's presidency that the Strategic Defense Initiative began to have NASA develop and deploy direct energy weapons for the purpose of mind control, the theory being that it remained as good a ballistic defense shield as any other because it could control the minds of foreign leaders and prevent a launch of nuclear weapons. But it wasn't long before those weapons were trained in on American politics, the news media, law enforcement and even the military. I believe George H.W. Bush to be the principle owner of NASA. And that by the time these things were discovered nobody knew what to do about them.
Here I would like the reader to understand that I am going to stray somewhat from what would popularly be considered rational thought because I will be addressing one of humankind's greatest unknowns; alien contact. While such has very intentionally been made to seem laughable by MKULTRA and the CIA the many appearances of UFOs in the skies have become incontrovertible fact despite the continued ability or inability of propagandists to deny that this is so. This in and of itself doesn't undermine the rest of my story one whit, though the reader may wish to bear in mind that I understand perfectly the controversial nature of alien contact and so I will appeal to reason as much as possible for this part of the subject matter. But I cannot deny my own experience. While the US is now capable of synthetic telepathy, and this is well documented, so are the aliens. And have been for quite some time.
It has been this same conspiracy between industrialists, MKULTRA and the CIA which have been fighting a covert war against alien contact. Bear in mind that UFO sightings went very significantly on the rise at about the same time as the creation of the CIA, this is well known. The industrialists don't want to compete with alien technologies over which they have no control. And neither MKULTRA nor the CIA want to be exposed by the sorts of intelligence that the aliens would have on them, or by any shared technology which could give us a glimpse at their supposed "national security" concerns. Since they cannot find any way to engage alien spacecraft directly, they simply employ the same Nazi tactic used against resistance fighters in Germany during the rise of Nazism. They simply begin to kill civilians. They hold the public hostage and are not above creating unjust wars from which they will also profit greatly as industrialists. Meanwhile they maintain a psychological war against the aliens in such ways that any attempt on the part of an extra planetary entity to force alien contact or respond to the terrorist force employed by the government, even defensively, would be politically disastrous for alien contact as it would look as though the planet, rather than being helped, was simply being invaded. In order to accomplish this the Nazi's used another old tactic called false flag operations wherein MKULTRA commits nefarious acts while pretending to be of alien origin, and perpetuates any number of superstitions among the unsuspecting public with regard to aliens. The Nazi's intend to force an agreement with the aliens of alliance before they would ever "approve" of open contact. But aliens simply don't play the same sorts of lying games as their barbarian counterparts, and such arrangements would be essentially impossible. They would be impossible because more advanced civilizations hold very seriously to their principles of ethics where Nazi's simply have no such principles or ethics, not even a rudimentary form of conscience. The aliens cannot ally themselves with any doctrine of "might makes right" and if they did they could have taken this planet long ago.
Here the reader is advised that I cannot exactly prove my sources about aliens since they involve telepathic contact. I believe that they, the extra terrestrials, are fully capable of proving these things, but in the past haven't wanted to risk the terrorism to the public at large which from experience would undoubtedly be perpetrated by the Nazi's and their proxies such as the CIA and SDI/NASA. Ordinarily I might have given such voices in my head less credence, but the aliens have done what I have asked for them to do in order to convince me that the voices were real including but not limited to highly publicized UFO appearances, the most significant of which, to my mind, occurred some years ago over Phoenix Arizona. Massive sightings have begun to occur world wide for much the same reason. The aliens are serious about contact because the world, due to the state of it's environment, is in serious jeopardy.
The way things stand is that in any serious investigation one finds that all roads lead ultimately to George H.W. Bush and the Nazi conspiracy. And the conspiracy is global. There are about 300 very high level Manchurian candidates operating in the world, all of which have committed ceremonial child murder in order to prove their loyalty to the organization. They ritually kill babies in churches. And the aliens can prove it. That's my understanding, anyway. And I'm relatively sure of all of this or else I wouldn't be offering it. The aliens have proven to be routinely correct about all manner of things, even about what at the time may have seemed like the most outrageous of claims. I have really very few if any reasons to doubt the information that they give me anymore. And they certainly have no reason to lie, although the mind controllers will even go so far as to imitate them through synthetic telepathy so as to confuse matters, though because of my extensive experience with both alien and mind control telepathy they never manage to do so for very long.
Here I must confess to the reader that I haven't really mentioned all of this before because I didn't want to prejudice any views on the subject of my investigation into mind control. I wanted as much as possible to stay with what I could reasonably prove with supporting documentation as evidence. But my report just wouldn't be complete without this information, in part because alien contact offers an answer to SDI direct energy and other unconventional weapons being employed for the purposes of treason and espionage. And while I admit that on the surface of it this stretches my credibility, who could make this stuff up? Who the hell would? The other thing is that I am reasonably certain that the aliens are willing to do this in conjunction with loyal members of our government, are in the process of doing just that, and that in the end this very peculiar understanding of mine will be vindicated. In fact, long ago I bet my life on it. I just hadn't been willing to bet anyone else's. But as the collapse of our environment looms large because the extensive damage to it is covered up by the same industrialist conspiracy, I really see no further choice in the matter, we would simply be foolish not to ask for help from far, far more advanced civilizations. In the end, it is has been we who are the barbarians in the universe, and perhaps quite predictably, not the more advanced civilizations.

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