Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Yreka Chemtrail Report

 Yreka Continues to be Bombarded With Chemtrails
Many more chemtrails over Yreka California even on Christmas and this New Years Day. Somehow they always manage to fly them directly over my apartment and my Mother's house even if they aren't anywhere else in the sky. They seem to do this whenever they're upset with yours truly, and sometimes that appears to be the point, though I would have no real way of knowing for sure if they had any other reasons. All the same I continue to use my precious freedom of speech and freedom of press, and will not be intimidated by their exotic weapons from doing so. Since each occurrence is thus a violation of my civil rights I continue to take photographs in order to document them, but have shown enough of them here already as proof of my ongoing claims. This marks about two years running that chemtrails have been a regular feature of life in Yreka, California.
Thank you for reading Freedom of Thought.
 Yreka,Christmas Day 2007

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