Friday, October 10, 2008

Manchurian Candidate McCain?

Right Makes Might

Mood swings, erratic behavior, changes in personality, memory loss... one would be justified in suspecting drug or alcohol abuse, but it could also be a mental health problem. More specifically, it could mean that there was mind control involved somewhere.

Any number of staunch republicans are saying the same thing about John Sidney McCain, that he's simply become unrecognizable and is no longer the person they knew and supported at all.

Besides the likely symptoms of some form of mind control occurring in McCain are his Rove's strategies and tactics. In short, this tells me that McCain isn't even his own man anymore but belongs to MKULTRA lock stock and barrel and is doing just what he's been told to do.

Just in case you missed it, MKULTRA is obviously run by a bunch of spoiled, infantile old men. And they'd murder caring itself if they could. Those same spoiled old men knew that if people cared at all for their fellow man that one day those same old men would hang. They've been committing an absolutely enormous number of unimaginable crimes for decades and they knew that if they were ever discovered the world would tear them apart. Well, that's precisely what appears to be happening now. Let this idea sink in a little bit because it will explain so much about current events.

The spoiled, infantile old men want to get out of this disastrous presidency with their skins. They're spoiled because they have lots of money, of course. But they're infantile because of MKULTRA mind control. Mind controllers don't like operatives who think for themselves and so they typically choose people of average IQ or less and make them to be emotionally unstable on command. That way all the controllers have to do, in theory anyway, is to destabilize the victim in order to achieve cooperation. Yes, it amounts to slavery because one does what is expected or else has to face the "consequences". Hey, when you're a slave there are consequences to behaving like a free person.

To be fair, I don't think McCain was ever much of an MKULTRA insider. But neither has he ever been the Nazi's last hope of escaping justice. The fact that he was traumatized in a prison camp makes him a rather easy target, though. From what we know from other prisoner accounts McCain doesn't like trouble and will even perform propaganda for the enemy to avoid being tortured. And he said once that the psychological torture was worse than the physical torture. MKULTRA is all about torture of both kinds.

Looking at it all, I can't help but think that today McCain is a prisoner of MKULTRA and doing whatever it takes to please his new masters though it seems for all the world as if he were already eager for the election to be over and as if, despite going through all of the motions that he himself knows that Obama will be a better president and perhaps the last hope of ridding this country of the MKULTRA Bush crime family. He's different in some ways from life long mind control operatives such as Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rove. But he has this in common with them now, he does what he's ordered to do.

Since MKULTRA hasn't been able to steal this election so far, and since it's terrorist threats aren't doing it much good, the mind controllers have adopted a strategy of creating enough chaos that something may swing their way. An opportunity to declare martial law and a dictatorship, perhaps. You know, stir up a race war and then come to power as the anti-black, anti-Jew, whatever. They're reaching for their hate pills, bad medicine all too eagerly consumed by the drunken Joe Six-Packs of the world. While that may be true mindless hateful people are a very small minority and antithetical to our form of government and our way of life. The republicans would like nothing more than to return us to the era that was before the civil rights movement but that won't happen even if spoiled, infantile old men are quite used to getting their way about things.

What we're seeing is an age when conservatism finally went the way of the other dinosaurs. Ironic, isn't it? That those people who most believed in social Darwinism's "might makes right" will be those who will be left behind by social evolution? And that the reason for it is that they forgot, in all of their planning, to factor in the constant of human nature. No, pathetic little Nazis, right doesn't make right. And we have both the right and the duty to chase you down and prosecute you for your crimes against humanity. People power has become your undoing.

You see, right makes might.

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