Friday, October 10, 2008

Bush's Bubble Bursts

"Wall Street got drunk, ok?" George W. Bush

Does everyone remember how the old pyramid scheme works? It's an old scam where someone begins a club that gives them money as an "investment" in the future of the pyramid. The original members then sell "shares" in the scheme to newcomers, collecting part of the money and paying some dividend to the person who created the club. It's called a pyramid because of the many levels of participants who become involved before the whole thing falls under it's own weight. At some point people stop buying and the last people to have "invested" in the scam simply lose their money. At that point the pyramid is found to have no foundation and becomes a pile of rubble as the original "investors" head for the doors. Pyramid schemes are illegal.

Nazis believe that perceptions create realities rather than the other way around and they would be half right. Perceptions sometimes do create realities but sometimes they don't since, overall, reality is greater than our perceptions. The Bush administration has been very keen on creating perceptions and has maintained an unparalleled, unprecedented control over the press. A press that's become not only far too war friendly and Bush friendly, but also far too business friendly. In Bushworld, never is heard a discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day. This creates the perfect situation for consumer over confidence. While that makes for some great days at the NY Stock Exchange it leaves reality itself waiting somewhere in the shadows.

In these days of deregulation and republican cronyism Big Oil, Big Pharma, well, practically every big business wins every day over the little guy. No big payouts for oil spills, no warnings about unhealthy drugs, no automobiles being recalled. It's just business, business, business in America, the public be damned. Such a climate may be temporarily favorable to big business or to the stock market altogether but it works against the public and eventually will even undermine our own humanity. If it were up to Nazis there wouldn't be one "bleeding heart" left in America or in all of the world. Nazism requires an utter lack of conscience.

The ailing mortgage industry is the most obvious symptom at this point but the problem is systemic, it's called living in lala land. Surprise! Reality does matter! Perceptions created from truths are the only kind that endure for very long. In short, the Bush propaganda machine is as much a part of things as all of the deregulation. But the propaganda isn't working these days when Bush decides to tell us everything is just ducky. Everything Bush says these days stinks of earlier failed Bushisms.

Taking a rather unscientific guess I'd say that the markets are experiencing an enormous correction, one in which the last sane figure was about 7,000 points of the Dow, up from about 5,500 due primarily to the dot com explosion of the 90's. But the more recent increase occurring on Bush's watch was mostly all speculation. Of course some industries, like the war industry, have for obvious reasons seen a huge leap in business particularly of the sort which is illegal, a return to the days when he government was purchasing hammers at $50,000 a whack. Well, but how long can that go on before someone finally raises a stink about squandering our tax dollars on a pack of crooks? When it does Halliburton stocks will go downwards because large fines and paybacks will put a dent in profitability.

Money is a heartless, mindless god, best not to trust too much in it. Take the good with the bad, I say. If the Nazis have less money with which to buy politicians, buy journalists, pay for assassinations and steal elections that's a good thing. Sure, everyone else will suffer as well, but we'd be better off dead than to be a bunch of Nazis anyway, in my way of thinking anyway. Nazi Amerika will never be MY America. For me there is no such thing as an America apart from it's Declaration of Independence, it's Constitution and it's Bill of Rights. It's who and what we are, no ifs, ands or buts about it.

It's a safe bet that the crooks in charge will try to escape out the back door with as much money as possible leaving the tax payers holding the empty bag. It's a safe bet that the crooks in charge will do nothing to benefit anyone but themselves. Since it's their blinding malfeasance and corruption that got us all into this mess and since they're not known for doing anything honestly and reasonably they need to be removed from office immediately. Hey, if a drunk driver crashes a car you don't put him back behind the wheel, period. You haul him to the drunk tank instead. Otherwise things can only go from bad to worse. The nations of the world now awakens to find themselves side swiped in the middle of the night. The problem is, well, you know, it's not easy to fire a "public servant" even if they are of the fly by night variety.

The worst thing ever to happen to the Bush crime family is that they got their own way. Really, it's been the worst thing to happen to a lot of people, but my point is that I was just sure from the start that the Bush people were getting enough rope to hang themselves and surely would, given enough time. Oh, they would have been hung long ago if people had the opportunity to hear all about them. But the CIA began to take over the press in 1983. "Scribes, Pharisees, hypocrites!" Blind leaders of the blind indeed, no wonder we find ourselves in a ditch. Covering up for the Bush crime family became a national policy enforced by the NSA and the CIA.

My advice is to invest with Jewish people, from time out of mind they've contemplated seven generations in advance, which for my money is why they've become so successful in the world. None of this "Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die" crap for them. Apparently it's the materialists who serve a far lesser and none too thinking god. Actually, it would be even better to remove the Bush administration from office before this economic crises gets much worse. It's the only way that anyone can get into things enough to find out what's really going on behind the scenes.

It's going to be a wild ride either way. It wouldn't have happened, however, if we'd seen these people coming. We would have if the watchdog, the press, hadn't been so busy chomping down it's fresh CIA approved steak.

The difference between indoctrination and mind control is that the latter employs deception and coercion. Amerika, wake up! You've been covertly occupied and mind controlled by Nazi Germania.

End MKULTRA now!

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