Friday, September 21, 2007

Congress Condemns Constitutional Freedom

Congress Votes to Condemn Constitutionally Protected Free Speech at MoveOn. Org 


Since I've been back chemtrails have returned to Yreka. Nothing like a little street cred to make you feel relevant.

Like so many other people I am shocked and dismayed at the actions of Congress, that they would formally condemn and act of free speech. Just when you think that you've heard and seen so much that nothing could shock you anymore, something does. An assault on free speech by the very people whose job it is to protect the Constitution of the United States of America is so hypocritical that it would shock any reasonable person. But I suppose that at the end of the day, the same people who have given Congress an 11% approval rating will simply consider the source. Essentially, with this sort of stunt Congress had it's head in the toilet and for reasons unknown simply decided to flush. Those reasons are what are most worrisome.
Perhaps the Democrats who voted to condemn free speech were still worried that the president might "accidentally" nuke the US, since he can "accidentally" lose nukes over the US. Perhaps they're worried that this president may go ahead with plans to terrorize still more innocent nations based on some lie or another, some unproven bit of "evidence", or wage war on some other person who will never get their day in court since Congress now thinks so little of habeas corpus that anyone may soon be guilty until they are unable to prove that they are innocent. Here I note that a very wise man once said that Justice would demand that the Devil himself receive a fair trial. That, of course, because justice is supposed to be blind to anything but a consideration of known facts in a case. Facts which can be proven in such a way that guilt is only assumed when proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Despite all of this, America remains in Iraq when it simply has no right whatsoever to be there. Nothing about the reasons we supposedly went there panned out. So why are we still there? Here's an analogy worth thinking about; If the police are given a warrant because there is probable cause to search for illegal weapons in a home, and they don't find any, should they just move into the home since they're already there? How long should they remain there? Six months? A year? Until someone in the home can be trusted to make sure that this will never happen again? The right answer is that they should leave. Not tomorrow, not the day after, they would leave as soon as it has been established that no such crime had indeed occurred as the one for which there was probable cause to believe had been committed, per the warrant. Even if you found other criminal activities while you were there they couldn't be prosecuted in court because they weren't covered by the warrant. America has held to these standards of justice from time out of mind. But when did we, as Americans, begin to believe that only Americans are deserving of justice?
All of this is clearly why the international community is upset with America. Because they hold to very similar notions about justice, and don't believe that self professed police departments are above such matters of law as have become contractual agreements between nations including the Geneva convention, which America has clearly violated. In short, it's not ok just because America has done this, that would simply be nationalism, that would simply be "might makes right", two of Nazism's most famous calling cards.
We could argue after that the warrant sworn out for Iraq wasn't any good in the first place, but the immediate thing to consider is that the search turned up nothing. And we have no right to remain there whatsoever. We should be out of Iraq in 30 days. Even that just acknowledges that it takes a reasonable amount of time to do things, it's not like we even have a right to those thirty days, just that any reasonable person could see where an orderly departure would be safest for all concerned.
In the meantime, just as occurred during Vietnam, the republicans are sure to begin predicting a blood bath occurring in Iraq upon our departure which will no doubt throw our former friends there into such a state of panic that it could become a self fulfilling prophecy. None of that because the politicians have Iraqi interests in mind, but rather simply as an act of political desperation meant to salvage whatever they can from being the most failed American government in history.
For more interesting thoughts on the Congressional condemnation of free speech see:

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