Friday, June 27, 2008

Nazism in the European Union

Need further proof that Nazism is secretly alive and well and setting us all up for their ambitions of world domination?

While I haven't seen this video from the UK the details available in the review are enough to prove the point. A unified Europe was well known as one of Hitler's chief goals, unified under Hitler, of course. Evidently the big difference today is that some unknown has replaced the vanguished WWII dictator and has been operating from and inside the shadows. All of the evidence, as far as I'm concerned anyway, points to George Herbert Walker Bush as being the closet would be dictator. And this perhaps best explains the coziness between G.W. Bush and Blair in the run up to war, and their covering of each other's backsides.

Quoted from Britannia Radio, An Alternative Early Warning Service:

In the cd “The Nazis and Fascists who founded the European Union”, launched today, Rodney Atkinson tells the detailed story of an unmentionable truth - that:
“The EU was founded and initially led by “former” Nazis and Fascists, as was the Charlemagne Prize awarded to Tony Blair, Edward Heath, Roy Jenkins and others for their role in removing democratic sovereignty from the nation states of Europe.” No wonder, says Atkinson that the EU has today reproduced the policies and structures of 1940s Europe and shows all the characteristics of a totalitarian anti democratic corporatist Empire – for that is what its fascist founders intended.

In this speech - delivered at a public meeting held at The House of Commons on Tuesday 26th February 2008 - Atkinson describes in detail the backgrounds of those Nazis and Fascists who were so prominent in founding and supporting that “European Union” which now governs Britain -

The entire review and purchasing details are available at:


Thank you for reading Freedom of Thought.

This private message to Blair from yours truly: 

Got a pen?

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