Monday, November 19, 2007

Where's America?

Where's the Beef, America?
Since when did national security equate with public ignorance? Hey, we paid for all of that spy crap.
Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has had numerous offers by foreign media to air her story, but the American media won't touch it. The American media is very much responsible for the current state of affairs in America since they run propaganda day and night but resist the facts for all they're worth. This case does one thing quite surprisingly; It busts Big Media.
Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg speaks about the Edmond's case being much more explosive than the Pentagon Papers. The breach in our national security is simply this: Perceptions are creating the realities instead of the other way around. America, your reality check is in the mail.
So just how many whistleblowers like ourselves are being stonewalled by Congress and the media? We want our Fourth Estate, and we want it now.

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